Long Gui, the last bestiary for our catalog is a much stronger version of Adamantoise, they roam all over Gran Pulse so you pretty much find them anywhere on the Central Plain, except the one in the middle plain which is still Adamantoise.

There are so many strategies to beat Long Gui all over the Internet and we'll cover most of them here.
Another thing to note is that you don't need all top tier accessories to beat it, for example, you don't need Kaiser Knuckles Lv. \* because it requires Dark Matter catalyst which is hard and take so much to farm. Lower tier like Power Glove is enough. However, it is still up to you if you really want to max out everything.
Long Gui Attacks
Long Gui has a few attacks that you need to watch out:
- Ultima: it always use Ultima at the end of the battle, that's why it's always a good idea to have your default paradigms to SEN/SEN/SEN.
- Roar: this attack has a chance to Daze your party and remove some of the buffs you have.
- Quake: just like other tortoises, its signature attack which it stomp the ground to deal decent damage, nothing to worry about.
- Doom: I've never seen it uses Doom during my game play, so I think it a very rare attack if you spend too much time beating it.
Straight Forward Strategy
- Fang: Kain's Lance, Kaiser Knuckles, Witch's Bracelet, Genji Glove, Gaian Ring
- Lightning: Omega Weapon, Magus's Bracelet, Genji Glove, Gaian Ring
- Vanille: Nirvana, Magistral Crest, Weirding Glyph, Genji Glove, Gaian Ring
These accessories can be customize to fit your playstyle, for example, you can go with offensive by removing defense items and replace with either Power Glove or Weirding Glyph, or balance setup just like above.
Paradigms (Fang/Lightning/Vanille):
- SEN/SEN/SEN (default)
- Start with SEN/SEN/SEN to absorb the damage from Ultima and take this chance to throw 1 Librascope for intel.
Switch to SYN/SYN/SYN to buff your party. When you have enough buffs, switch to SAB/SAB/SAB and cast a few debuffs on its leg. - Then switch to RAV/RAV/RAV until it's around 700%, switch to COM/COM/COM and have Fang use Highwind to paralyze the leg. Repeat this on the other leg.
- Always watch your health bars if they are low, switch to MED/MED/MED.
- When it is down, switch to SAB/SAB/SAB and put as many debuffs as you can, then switch to RAV/RAV/RAV until it reaches 950% that when you have to switch back to COM/COM/COM for offensive.
- Always watch whenever it uses either "Roar" or "Ultima", immediately switch to SEN/SEN/SEN to tank the damage then MED/MED/MED to heal.
- It should go down in 2 staggers.