The path to Oerba village is pretty straight forward. Once you reach the village, your first priority is to find a robot name Bhakti, unfortunately, you'll have to fix him before you can talk to him. There are 5 replacement parts that you have to find in the village in order to fix him.
When you arrive Oerba village, you can do these in order. Also use this map as a reference, it'll be so much easier.

1. Take left path for an item:
- ITEM (T-01): Provoskite (x1)
2. After you pass a Waystone, go down the ramp, and walk straight to the building in front of you then head to second floor to meet Bhakti.
3. As soon as you come out of the building, fight the monsters in front of you, then pick up a Power Cable on a cart near a windmill.
- Bhakti part: Power Cable

4. To your left, you'll see a small building with a stairway, inside is another Bhakti's part.
- Bhakti part: Battery Pack.

5. There is a treasure and a ramp near Bhakti's building. Pick up the treasure and go down the ramp.
- WEAPON (T-02): Heavenly Axis (x1)
6. There is a Vampire near tree's roots (where you have to hop on). Kill the Vampire, it will drop third Bhakti's part.
- Bhakti's part: Trochoid Gear

7. You'll also see a staircase near the tree's roots, take it you'll see another treasure.
- ITEM (T-03): Librascope (x1)
8. Keep going a little further, you'll see a path to your right leading to a small schoolhouse, inside is another part.
- Bhakti's part: Aspheric Lens

9. Don't go out yet, go to second floor for 2 more treasures. You probably notice an inactive Cie'th Stone as well so remember it for now because we'll come back later once we defeated Barthandelus.
- ITEM (T-04): Moogle Puppet (x1)
- WEAPON (T-05): Pleiades Hi-Powers (x1)
10. Get out of the house, turn right then take the staircase until you see a Save Point. There are 3 monsters inside the building, fight or avoid them is up to you if you also gether enough intel. Inside the building has another staircase leading to the top and a new map will appear on mini-map. When you see a railway, turn left for an item:
- ACCESSORY (T-06): Flamebane Brooch (x1)
11. Turn around and walk a few steps, you'll see an object of interest on mini-map, that the last part.
- Bhakti's part: Metal Plate

12. Go further down the railroad, you'll see another item.
- WEAPON (T-07): Taming Pole (x1)
13. Now you have collected all the parts and treasures in this area, go back to Bhakti and fix him. Once he is fixed, talk to him for rewards you have accomplished so far.
- Deceptisol (x10)
- Ultracompact Reactor (x2)
- Gold Nugget (x1)
- Perfume (x5)
- Platinum Ingots (x3)
Okay, here is the part I haven't mentioned. If you don't get all of these prizes which mean that you either skip doing missions in Archylte Steppe or you haven't had enough walk. The requirement to get all the rewards is that you have walk on Archylte Steppe for 10,000 steps. So, do you want to walk all the way back to Archylte Steppe? No, remember there is a Waystone we haven't activated yet. The stone is not far from the building, go out and take the ramp, you'll see the stone.
MISSION 28: Faded Glory
- MISSION 28: Ceratosaur (x10)
Reward: Giant's Glove (x1)
Strategy:- I don't know if you can Preemptive Strike them since they have too eyes on you.
- Just use COM/COM/RAV and Blitz them to death, it's a very easy battle.
Now that the Waystone is active, you can go back to previous areas anytime you like. If you haven't walked 10,000 steps, I suggest you do so and come back for the prizes from Mr. Bhakti.
Let's continue our journey. Your next stop is at the end of the railway where you picked up the last part of Bhakti. But before you go there, save your game along the way and we have one more thing to do at a Save Point.