
PG-P06 - Weapons Upgrade

Now that you have leveled all 6 roles for everyone. It is time to upgrade our weapons. If you look at your Inventory -> Components, you'll see that you have Platinum Ingots between 60 to 99 (I got about 80 depending on your luck). If you sell all of them, it's gonna net you between 9,000,000 to 14,850,000 gil. You may think that it a huge amount of money but it's actually not because a catalyst required to upgrade a 3rd tier weapon cost 2,000,000 gil. For this reason, we'll only upgrade one weapon for each character. For the recommended weapons below will cost you around 8 million gil + 12 millions (Trapezohedron catalysts). I would suggest upgrade Fang, Lightning, and Vanille first which is around the money you have after you sell all Platinum Ingots. Then, keep farming Adamantortoise using Gil Farming section until you have enough money to upgrade weapons for everyone.

Below is my recommended weapons:

  • Fang: Taming Pole -> Venus Gospel -> Kain's Lance
  • Lightning: Lionheart -> Ultima Weapon -> Omega Weapon
  • Vanille: Belladonna Wand -> Malboro Wand -> Nirvana
  • Hope: Hawkeye -> Eagletalon ->Nue
  • Snow: Paladin -> Winged Saint -> Save the Queen
  • Sazh: Spica Defenders -> Sirius Sidearms -> Total Eclipses

Before we continue I highly recommend you to read [[S01 - Equipment Upgrade Guide]] section because I explain everything about equipment upgrade so that you get the basic idea.

Again, these are just my recommendation but you can prioritize any other weapons you like. For a full list of weapons, check out this section Equipment Upgrade Reference.

  • Sturdy Bones (SB) can be bought from "Creature Comforts" shop.
  • Superconductors (SC) can be bought from "Lenora's Garage" shop.
  • Ultracompact Reactor (UR), Adamantite, and Trapezohedron can be bought from "R&D Depot" shop.
Weapon NameExpComponents (Upgrade in order)CostCatalystNew Weapon
Taming Pole54,800SB (36), SC (33)30,600UraniniteVenus Gospel
Venus Gospel332,560SB (36), UR (3)152,880TrapezohedronKain's Lance
Kain's Lance1,382,265SB (36), UR (23), SB (8), SC (7)1,159,400--
Lionheart63,060SB (36), SC (53)47,400ScarletiteUltima Weapon
Ultima Weapon221,900SB (36), UR (2), SB (15), SC (31) TrapezohedronOmega Weapon
Omega Weapon1,482,487SB (36), UR (25)1,252,880--
Belladonna Wand38,040SB (36), SC (23)22,200UraniniteMalboro Wand
Malboro Wand153000SB (36), UR (1), SB (7), SC (27)76,120TrapezohedronNirvana
Nirvana1,673,328SB (36), UR (28)1,402,880--
Hawkeye33,000SB (36), SC (17)17,160PerovskiteEagletalon
Eagletalon437,550SB (36), UR (3), SB (22), SC (29)179,000TrapezohedronNue
Nue1,084,542SB (36), UR (18), SB (8), SC (15)916,120--
Paladin66,750SB (36), SC (47)42,360ScarletiteWinged Saint
Winged Saint218,210SB (36), UR (2), SB (15), SC (27)126760TrapezohedronSave the Queen
Save the Queen1,432,393SB (36), UR (24)1,202,880--
Spica Defenders66,750SB (37), SC (46)41,520ScarletiteSirius Sidearms
Sirius Sidearms218,210SB (36), UR (2), SB (15), SC (27)126,760TrapezohedronTotal Eclipses
Total Eclipses1,737,313SB (36), UR (29)1,452,880--


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