Welcome to the post game. We still have a lot of thing to do after we defeated Orphan.
Reload your game from your last save and you'll back in front of the Orphan. Let's go back to Gran Pulse to complete the rest of the missions. There is a portal behind you that can bring you back to Orphan's Cradle. From there, use the portal on your right to go back to "Gran Pulse - Vallis Media".
First thing first, spend all your Crystarium Points on your characters' primary roles as usually. This is the last expanded Crystarium, so after you maxed out all primary roles you can start spending on second roles. Keep an eye on the CPs and do not let it capped because from here on I'll not remind you again about using CPs.
MISSION 29: Faltering Faith
Our next mission stone is guarded by a Juggernaut where you farmed CPs in Chapter 11. Now use the Waystone and teleport to "Archylte Steppe - Northern Highplain" then follow the path into Mah'habara. Go forward until you see a left path, take it and walk to the dead-end and talk to the mission stone.

The Mark is at the road to Taejin's Tower, so go back to the Waystone and teleport to "Taejin's Tower - The Palisades".

- MISSION 29: Juggernaut (x1)
Reward: Uraninite (x1)
Strategy:- This is an easy Preemptive Strike.
- Start with MED/SAB/SYN for 1 or 2 turn, then switch between RAV/COM/RAV and COM/COM/RAV and finish it off.
MISSION 30: Syphax, the Insidious
Mission 30 stone is all the way back to where you fought Neochu. Use the Waystone and teleport back to "Archylte Steppe - Central Expanse" then pick up a Chocobo nearby and head to eastern part of the plain.

When you arrived at the Neochu location, you should kill Ochu (weaker version of Neochu) for intel and pick up an item if you haven't done in Chapter 11.
The Mark is in new area you haven't explored yet. Go back to the Waystone and teleport to "Sulyya Springs - Ceiling of Sky" then board the Atomos, it will bring you to a new area in Mah'habara.

- ITEM (T-01): Moogle Puppet (x1)
- ITEM (T-02): Perovskite (x1)
- MISSION 30: Syphax (x1), Numidia (SUMMONED)
Reward: Uraninite (x1)
Strategy: it first send its minions to kill you. Only after you kill enough minions that when it appears.- First start with COM/COM/RAV and cast 1 Libra on Numidia for intel then Blitz those minions to death.
- When Syphax appears, cast 1 Libra on it and switch to RAV/COM/RAV.
- Focus on Syphax until it staggered, then switch to COM/COM/RAV to finish it.
- You can shift to MED/SAB/SYN if you need healing.
Pick up two items at the dead-end.
- ITEM (T-03): Particle Accelerator (x2)
- ITEM (T-04): Perfect Conductor (x4)
MISSION 31: Newfound Purpose
Mission 31 stone is in the area protected by a red barrier from mission 30. Use the Waystone in Mah'habara (jump pass the Atomos) and teleport to "Archylte Steppe - Central Expanse" then pick up a Chocobo and head to the new area beyond the mission 30 Cie'th Stone.

- MISSION 31: Pulsework Champion (x1), Seeker (x3)
Reward: Perfect Conductor (x3)
Strategy:- Preemptive Strike is easy.
- Check if you have already had their intel. If not, use Libra for intel.
- If you got the Preemptive Strike, start with COM/RAV/RAV and focus on Pulsework Champion first, then the Seekers. In case you cannot Preemptive Strike, start with COM/COM/RAV and focus on killing Seekers first.
These are treasures in the area.

- ACCESSORY (T-05): Collector Catalog (x1)
- ITEM (T-06): Fractured Horns (x9)
- ACCESSORY (T-07): Witch's Bracelet (x9)
MISSION 33: A Parent's Pledge
Okay, since the mission 33 stone is here, we'll do it before mission 32. it's in the middle of this archaeopolis.

- MISSION 33: Adamanchelid (x1)
Reward: White Cape (x1)
Strategy: Well, you fought it many times already so the strategy is pretty much the same.- You can Preemptive Strike tortoises.
- Start with MED/SAB/SYN and until Deprotect, Depshell sticked.
- Then switch to RAV/COM/RAV and COM/COM/RAV.
MISSION 32: And Then There Was One
Mission 32 stone is just at the entrance of Vallis Media. So, pick up a Chocobo nearby and make your way there. You'll see the stone after walk a few steps.

The Mark is at the northern part of the Steppe. The fastest way is to use a nearby Waystone and teleport to "Archylte Steppe - Northern Highplain". From there, pick up an Chocobo and ride to the Mark.

- MISSION 32: Amam (x1)
Reward: Glass Buckle (x1)
Strategy:- Another easy Preemptive Strike.
- Cast 2 Libras for full intel.
- Start with RAV/COM/RAV and finish it.
MISSION 34: Zenobia, the Butcher
Head back to Haerii Archaeopolis by using a nearby Waystone and teleport to "Archylte Steppe - Haerii Archaeopolis". Open the map you'll see another Cie'th Stone on the side of unexplored area.

- MISSION 34: Tonberry (x1)
Reward: Hermes Sandals (x1)
Strategy:- No Preemptive Strike for this one.
- Cast 2 Libras for full intel.
- Start with MED/SAB/SYN until Deprotect, Deshell, and Imperil sticked.
- Then switch RAV/COM/RAV. You can spam "Army of One" for quicker staggering.
The red barrier is now removed and that's our next destination "The Faultwarrens".