Before you move forward, turn around and go all the way back to the dead end for an item.
- ITEM (T-01): Phoenix Down (x1)
Turn around and proceed.
- ENEMY (E-01): Bomb (x1) (FIRST ENCOUNTER)
- ENEMY (E-02): Bomb (x2)
- ENEMY (E-03): Bomb (x1), Pulsework Soldier (x1)
Keep moving and when you come across a panel, Vanille will says something like "Looks like it doesn't work. I wonder if it just needs power" so remember this because we will come back later to collect other loots in this area.
- ENEMY (E-04): Bomb (x2), Pulsework Soldier (x1)
- ACCESSORY (T-02): Auric Amulet (x1)
(Side area to your right)
- ENEMY (E-05): Gremlin (x2) (FIRST ENCOUNTER)
- ENEMY (E-06): Gremlin (x3)
- ACCESSORY (T-03): Ember Ring (x1)
Now that you reach a power plant or some sort of generator where you see multiple directions on the map (left, forward, right). The requirement here is that you have to activate all 4 generators to open the gate (yellow dots shown on map), so I suggest you walk in counter-clockwise direction by taking the right path so that we are on the same page.
- ENEMY (E-07): Gremlin (x2), Pulsework Soldier (x1)
- ITEM (T-04): Phoenix Down (x1)
- ENEMY (E-08): Bomb (x1), Pulsework Soldier (x1)
Activate first generator, then continue.
- ENEMY (E-09): Pulsework Soldier (x2)
Activate second generator, then continue to the other side.
- ENEMY (E-10): Bomb (x1), Pulsework Soldier (x1)
Activate third machine, then continue.
- ENEMY (E-11): Bomb (x2)
Activate fourth generator. Go to the Save Point you see in the map and walk around you'll see an item.
- ITEM (T-05): Fortisol (x1)
Remember that I said we need to go back to previous section to collect other loots? Yeah, now that the power is up, we can activate 4 switches in previous section (yellow dots on mini-map) to access additional areas. you may have to fight previous battles because they'll re-spawned.

After you activated the first switch:
- ENEMY (E-12): Gremlin (x3), Pulsework Soldier (x2)

Go to activate second switch, a staircase will drop opening a new area. Go down the staircase and turn right.
- ENEMY (E-13): Bomb (x1), Pulsework Soldier (x1)
Activate third switch and another staircase will drop. Go up the staircase and follow the path.
- ENEMY (E-14): Bomb (x3), Pulsework Soldier (x1)
- ITEM (T-06): Iron Shell (x8)
That is all for this section. Now go back to the intersection where you turn right. Turn right when you reach the intersection, you will see the last switch. Down below is 3 Pulsework Soldiers.
- ENEMY (E-15): Pulsework Soldier (x3)
- ITEM (T-07): Vibrant Ooze (x6)
Okay! You have now cleared the area, go back and follow the yellow mark. You may have to fight re-spawned monsters again so I won't list them here.
Start from the cave's entrance where the gate opened.

- ENEMY (E-16): Bomb (x2) (LAST ENCOUNTER), Pulsework Soldier (x2) (LAST ENCOUNTER)
- ITEM (T-08): 300 gil
Watch a hilarious cutscene about Vanille.
After a long cutscene, you are now in memory of Snow. You can talk to anyone for more backstory and then walk up to people at the yellow marks on the map to progress the game.