This section is recommended only after you have maxed out all 6 roles and upgrade Fang, Lightning, and Vanille weapons to the last tier. The goal is to farm gil for weapons and accessories upgrade. This section is very similar to Crystarium Point Farming except that we'll tweak it a little to make it easier for you to farm.
- Fang: Kain's Lance, Genji Glove, Gaian Ring, Power Glove, Warrior's Wristband
- Lightning: Omega Weapon, Gaian Ring, Collector Catalog, Connoisseur Catalog, Whistlewind Scarf
- Vanille: Nirvana, Gaian Ring, Sorcerer's Mark, Sorcerer's Mark, Weirding Glyph
Note: After you started farming and upgrade accessories, I highly recommend you to replace the following items for their better versions:
- Replace Power Glove and Warrior's Wristband with Kaiser Knuckles (+300 Strength).
- Replace Sorcerer's Mark and Weirding Glyph with Magistral Crest (+300 Magic).
- Replace Whistlewind Scarf with Kaiser Knuckles.
- If you are farming on Easy mode, I recommend you also replace Connoisseur Catalog with Kaiser Knuckles. On Easy mode, rare drop only has 0.1 chance of dropping so it is not worth it to equip Connoisseur Catalog.
Paradigm (Fang/Lightning/Vanille):
- COM/RAV/RAV (default)
Before completing mission 62, you can still farm the same Adamantortoise from Crystarium Point Farming. So, you can go back and check it out. However, after the mission 62, all Adamantortoise and Adamantoise on Archylte Steppe will be replaced with Long Gui. It is much stronger version of Adamantoise and take so much longer time to kill than it's younger version. Fortunately, there is another Adamantoise left in the game. Remember the one you kill using Death strategy in front of the Leviathan Plaza?
To get there, you'll have to use a Waystone to teleport to "Vallis Media - Base Camp", then use a portal nearby and return to "Orphan's Cradle". Next, use the opposite portal and warp to "Edenhall". From there, keep going to the opposite direction of the yellow mark until you reach the entrance of Leviathan Plaza. You'll see the tortoise walking around.

Pretty much similar to the strategy we've used previously.
- Start with COM/RAV/RAV and focus on the two front legs, once at a time. When a front leg is staggered, use "Highwind" ability to cripple it.
- When you are taking down the legs, always watch its animation when it is about to stomp the ground, you should always switch to SEN/MED/MED before you are taken damage and quickly switch back to COM/RAV/RAV. Sentinel roles has a passive ability that reduces damage taken.
- When the tortoise is paralyzed, immediately switch to SAB/SYN/SAB. You'll have to manually select 6 "Imperil" ability and cast on it. While you are casting, Vanille is also casting Deshell and Deprotect and Lightning is doing her part with buffing Haste on everyone.
- Once Imperil, Deshell, and Deprotect sticked, switch to RAV/RAV/RAV until the stagger meter reaches around 900%. Then switch to COM/COM/COM to finish it off. The battle take about 1 minutes 50 seconds in one stagger.
Once you maxed out all weapons listed in the previous section, we'll continue our missions.
*** Before you continue, go to Settings and change the difficulty back to "Normal" if you are in "Easy" mode during your grinding.