MISSION 52: Head in the Clouds
Backtrack and use the Waystone to teleport to "Archylte Steppe - Central Expanse". From there, pick up a nearby Chocobo and ride toward the Moon but keep close to your left boundary until you see groups by penguins. The stone is located around southwest area.

Now update your paradigms to following (Fang/Snow/Hope):
- SAB/SEN/SYN (default)
- COM/RAV/RAV (This one is for fighting monsters along the way)
- MISSION 52: Zirnitra (x1)
Reward: Gale Ring (x1)
Strategy:- Start with SAB/SEN/SYN and Imperil, Deshell, and Deprotect until all of them sticked.
- Then switch to RAV/SEN/RAV to raise stagger bar.
- If you need healing, switch to SAB/SEN/MED.
- If the stagger bar decrease faster, switch to COM/SEN/RAV to slow it down.
- Once the it's staggered, use COM/SEN/RAV to kill it.
MISSION 53: Freedom from Fear
Go back to the previous Waystone and teleport to "Mah'habara - Twilit Cavern". If you look at the map, you'll see Atomos and a Save Point on the other side, go to that direction and keep left when you see the path split.

- ITEM (T-01): Perfect Conductor (x3)
- ACCESSORY (T-02): Rainbow Anklet (x1)
- ACCESSORY (T-03): Metal Armbands (x2)
- ITEM (T-04): Particle Accelerator (x2)
The Mark is in Yaschas Massif area, so go back to the Waystone and teleport to "Yaschas Massif - Paddraean Archaeopolis" then open the map you'll see the Mark.

- MISSION 53: Zirnitra (x1), Alraune (x4)
Reward: Blaze Ring (x1)
Strategy: Well, this is mission 52 with 4 extra minions. So the strategy is pretty much the same except this time, you start with COM/RAV/RAV to kill all the minions first. Then, immediately switch to SAB/SEN/SYN so that Hope can remove Slow and cast Haste on everyone back.
It is finally time to put Lightning back to the party with our default paradigms (Fang/Lightning/Hope):
- COM/RAV/RAV (default)
MISSION 56: A Toothy Grin
We are going to skip Mission 54 for now while we already completed mission 55 if you followed this guide. So, we'll continue with mission 56.
Mission 56 to 62 stones are located at the eastern part of Archylte Steppe. If you look at the map, they look like a circle. So I'm not going to point out the locations for these missions anymore. Simply put, after finishing each mission, you come back to the circle to activate the next mission.
Circle Stones location:

Pick up a nearby Chocobo and make your way to the circle stones and activate mission 56. Then, teleport to "Yaschas Massif - Tsubaddran Higghlands". From there, follow the mark.

- MISSION 56: Ugallu (x1), Munchkin (x4)
Reward: Rhodochrosite (x1)
Strategy: Start with COM/COM/RAV, they're all should go down in 20 seconds.
MISSION 57: What's Yours Is Brine
Go back to the circle stones and activate mission 57. Then teleport to "Vallis Media - Base Camp".

- MISSION 57: Alraune (x2), Sahagin (x3)
Reward: Uraninite (x1)
Strategy: Start with COM/COM/RAV, they're all should go down in 15 seconds.
MISSION 58: The Culler of Many
Activate mission 58 and teleport to "Mah'habara - Twilit Cavern" then follow the Mark.

- MISSION 58: Humbaba (x1), Pulsework Centurion (x1)
Reward: Speed Sash (x1)
Strategy 1: Just use Deceptisol to get Preemptive Strike, then focusing on killing Humbaba first.
Strategy 2: This battle is pretty hard because of the target time is too short that I have to retry multiple times. You have about 60 seconds to win the battle for 5 stars.- Start with RAV/RAV/RAV and focus on Pulsework Centaurion first. Once staggered, switch back to COM/RAV/RAV.
- Once the Pulsework Centaurion is killed, immediately switch to SAB/MED/SYN and manually stick Deshell and Deprotect on Humbaba for 1 turn. Then switch back to COM/RAV/RAV.
- Watch the animation very closely, when it started standing up, immediately switch to SAB/MED/SYN. When the debuffs started fading away, immediately cast Deshell and Deprotect 1 turn then switch back to COM/RAV/RAV to finish it off.
MISSION 59: Two-faced Fiend
Activate mission 59 and teleport to "Sulyya Springs - Ceiling of Sky" then follow the Mark.

How many times do you have to fight Zirnitra? This guy is a pain in the ass. Replace Lightning with Snow and setup the following paradigms (Fang/Snow/Hope):
- COM/SEN/SYN (default)
- MISSION 59: Zirnitra (x1), Ceratoraptor (x3), Ceratorsaur (IF SUMMONED)
Reward: Energy Sash (x1)
Strategy:- Start with COM/SEN/RAV and focusing on killing Ceratoraptors first. During this phase, you'll have switching back and forth between COM/SEN/RAV, COM/SEN/SYN, and COM/SEN/MED depending on the situation.
- Once Ceratoraptors are dead, kill all Ceratorsaurs.
- Next is Zirnitra. switch to SAB/SEN/SYN until you sticked Imperil, Deshell, and Deprotect on it. Then switch to RAV/SEN/RAV until it staggered and finally you go full offensive with COM/COM/RAV.
MISSION 60: Degela Vu
Put Lightning back and set your paradigms (Fang/Lightning/Hope):
- COM/RAV/RAV (default)
Activate mission 60. The Mark is at the top Taejin's Tower, so you can either teleport to "Taejin's Tower - The Palisades" or "Oerba - village Proper" to reach there. I think from Oerba is a little easier because you can dodge all battles.

- MISSION 60: Gelatitan (x3)
Reward: Mnar Stone (x1)
Strategy 1: Just use Deceptisol for Preemptive strike.
Strategy 2: Even with proper setup it's not guarantee that you'll get 5 stars because it also depends on luck. For me, I tried this strategy and it works with a few tries. Your equipment should be the same except for paradigms. For this setup, you'll need Hope as the leader (Hope/Lightning/Fang):- SYN/RAV/COM (default)
The reasons you need 2 RAV/RAV/COM is because every 2 turns when you switch to a new paradigm, you get full ATB gauge even if the paradigm you switched to is the same.- You'll have to start the battle with SYN/RAV/COM. This is the critical part where you have to get familiar with manually casting abilities for your party. Now manually cast Bravery, Faith, and Enthunder on everyone.
- Immediately switch to RAV/RAV/COM to kill Gelatitan one by one. Don't forget to switch to another RAV/RAV/COM every 2 turns to steal ATB gauge.
- Another trick is that you can avoid knock up by "Waterga" used by Gelatitan. Whenever you see "Waterga" on their head, immediately switch to another paradigm. The animation of switching paradigm can negate the knock up animation but timing have to be precise.
MISSION 61: I, Juggernaut
Set back your default paradigms and Fang as the leader.
Activate mission 61 stone and teleport to "Oerba - village Proper" and follow the Mark.

- MISSION 61: Juggernaut (x1)
Reward: Royal Armlet (x1)
Strategy:- Preemptive Strike is a must to get 5 stars.
- Start with SAB/MED/SYN and cast Imperil, Deshell, and Deprotect.
- Once the debuffs sticked, switch to COM/COM/RAV to destroy it. It should go down in about 30 seconds.
I'll also skip mission 62. It is because if you complete it, all tortoises will be gone, instead, they'll be replaced with Long Gui and Shaolong gui which you do not want to fight them at this stage at all.