MISSION 54: The Bigger They Are...
After an endless grinding for CP, Gil, and horrendous gear upgrade mechanic. We are finally back to our missions. First, let's start with mission 54.
Use a Waystone and teleport to "Archylte Steppe - Northern Highplain", pick up a Chocobo and jump down to the cliff on your right where you picked up the Chocobo. You'll have to fight a few wolves to able to activate the stone.

Setup (Fang/Lightning/Vanille):
- SAB/SYN/SAB (default)
- MISSION 54: Gigantuar (x1)
Reward: Cactuar Doll (x1)
Strategy:- Throw one Librascope, then spam Daze spell until it sticked. If the Daze spell doesn't stick in the first or second round, just Retry again because you won't make it within the target time. So the idea is to use Daze to stop Gigantuar so that you have time to buffs your party.
- Switch to SYN/SYN/SYN and use Auto-Support until you have casted Haste, Faithra, Bravera, and Enfire (only Lightning has this ability) on everyone.
- When everything is set, immediately shift between COM/COM/COM and COM/COM/COM to finish it off.
- You probably need a few tries to get 5-stars rating.
MISSION 62: Indomitable Will
Once the battle ended, go back to the circle stones and activate mission 62 Cie'th Stone.

Before you go into battle, replace all Gaian Rings with Witch's Bracelets (you should have 3 of them).
Paradigm (Fang/Lightning/Vanille):
- SAB/SYN/SAB (default)
- MISSION 62: Raktavija (x2)
Reward: Genji Glove (x1)
Strategy: You should already have full intel, so no need for Libra.- Start by manually cast Slow and then Imperil.
- Once the two debuffs sticked, switch to RAV/RAV/RAV to rack up the stagger meter as much as you can.
- Whenever you see Raktavija use "Multicast", immediately switch to SEN/MED/MED, then switch back to RAV/RAV/RAV when your party soaked up the damage.
- Once one of the Raktavija is staggered, continue to raise the meter until it's about 800%, then switch to COM/RAV/RAV. When the stagger meter is about to run out, have Fang use "Highwind" to deal massive damage.
- Repeat the process on the other Raktavija.
- You probably need a few tries to get 5-stars.
Well done, you completed the circle stones. One thing to note about this progress is that tortoises in the area will be replaced with their stronger version of their siblings, namely Adamanchelid with Shaolong Gui and Adamantortoise/Adamantoise with Long Gui.
MISSION 63: Crushed by Doubt
Go to a nearby Waystone and teleport to "Sulyya Springs - Ceiling of Sky" then follow the path until you see the Cie'th stone on the third island.

Go back to the Waystone and teleport to "Archylte Steppe - Central Expense", then open the map you'll the Mark located at the east side of the central plain.

Setup: Replace all Witch's Bracelets back to Gaian Rings then replace Growth Egg with Genji Glove that you just obtained early from mission 62.
Paradigms (Fang/Lightning/Vanille):
- COM/RAV/RAV (default)
If you follow this guide, you should have killed countless tortoises. Do I really have to mention about the strategy again?
- MISSION 63: Adamantortoise (x1)
Reward: Genji Glove (x1)
Another Genji Glove, how cool is that. You can equip it on Vanille by replacing one of the Sorcerer's Mark.