The long last battle you are waiting for has come, the mission 64, probably the toughest battle of all. Before we proceed, let's prepare our equipment and paradigms.
- Lightning: Lionheart, Magus's Bracelet, Witch's Bracelet, Witch's Bracelet, Power Glove
- Fang: Kain's Lance, Witch's Bracelet, Witch's Bracelet, Witch's Bracelet, Kaiser Knuckles
- Vanille: Nirvana, Witch's Bracelet, Witch's Bracelet, Witch's Bracelet, Magistral Crest
Equipment Upgrade
You should already have Lionheart, Kain's Lance, Nirvana, and some Witch's Bracelets. However, you need 9 of the Witch's Bracelets. So go to "Shop" -> "B&W Outfitters" and buy more Witch's Bracelets as needed. Kaiser Knucles, Magistral Crest, and Magus's Bracelet can only be obtained by upgrade Power Glove, Weirding Glyph, and Witch's Bracelet with Dark Matter catalysts.
We also want all of our equipment reaches Lv. * that's why we need money to upgrade them. First make sure you have at least 800,000 gil. If not, you can go back to Gil Farming section.
If you follow this guide up until now, you should have one Power Glove and one Weirding Glyph. Now use table below to upgrade our accessories:
Power Glove Lv. 1 -> Kaiser Knucles Lv. *
Accessory Name | Level | Exp needed to reach Lv. * | Components needed to reach Lv. * | Cost | Catalyst | New Accessory |
Power Glove | Lv. 1 | 58,960 | SB (x36), UR (x1) | 892,880 | Dark Matter | Kaiser Knuckles Lv. 9 |
Kaiser Knuckles | Lv. 9 | 14,740 | SB (x36), SC (x21) | 20,520 | - | - |
Weirding Glyph -> Magistral Crest Lv. *
Accessory Name | Level | Exp needed to reach Lv. * | Components needed to reach Lv. * | Cost | Catalyst | New Accessory |
Weirding Glyph | Lv. 1 | 58,960 | SB (x36), UR (x1) | 892,880 | Dark Matter | Magistral Crest Lv. 9 |
Magistral Crest | Lv. 9 | 14,740 | SB (x36), SC (x21) | 20,520 | - | - |
Next, upgrade Warrior's Wristband Lv. 1 -> Power Glove Lv. *
Accessory Name | Level | Exp needed to reach Lv. * | Components needed to reach Lv. * | Cost | Catalyst | New Accessory |
Warrior's Wristband | Lv. 1 | 44,220 | SB (x36), SC (x37) | 133,960 | Scarletite | Power Glove Lv. 9 |
Power Glove | Lv. 9 | 14,740 | SB (x36), SC (x16) | 856,320 | - | - |
Finally upgrade all 9 Witch's Bracelets Lv. 1 to Lv. *. Then upgrade one Witch's Bracelet lv. * to Magus's Bracelet Lv. *. We only upgrade one because Dark Matter is too expensive.
Accessory Name | Level | Exp needed to reach Lv. * | Components needed to reach Lv. * | Cost | Catalyst | New Accessory |
Witch's Bracelet | Lv. 1 | 27,420 | SB (x36), SC (x23) | 242,200 | Adamantite | Magus's Bracelet Lv. 8 |
Magus's Bracelet | Lv. 8 | 13,710 | SB (x36), SC (x16) | 16,320 | - | - |
The Cie'th stone is all the way back to Oerba village where you fought Barthandelus at the end of railroad.
Go back to Gran Pulse and use a nearby Waystone, then teleport to "Oerba - Village Proper". From there, navigate to the Cie'th Stone at the end of the maps.

Now you got the Stone, while the Mark is located on the other side of the world. Track back to the Waystone and teleport to "Yaschas Massif - Paddraean Archaeopolis". Once there, open the map and you'll see the Mark is in the middle of the ruin city.

Paradigms (Lightning/Fang/Vanille)
Before you proceed to the Mark, let's change your paradigms to the following:
- SAB/SAB/SYN (default)
MISSION 64: The Doomherald
- MISSION 64: Vercingetorix (x1)
Reward: Gold Watch (x1)
Strategy: Before you start, I'd like to emphasize that Poison is very important in this battle because you won't do much damage since Vercingetorix can always clear your stagger meter whenever it reaches about 200%. Plus, it can can heal/buff itself, can debuff your party. Moreover, it has a deadly attack called "Wicked Whirl" which can wipe out your entire if you are careful. Luckily, you have 3 Witch's Bracelets equipped to each character that greatly help reduce the damage.- Alright, start with a Librascope.
- Manually cast Poison until it sticked then quickly shift to RAV/RAV/RAV for one turn and shift to COM/COM/COM for offensive.
- Whenever you see it uses "Impenetrable Aura", stop your attack and switch to MED/SYN/SYN. And whenever Lightning is in MED role, always manually select 3 "Cura" to heal your party. Wait until it finished casting the "Impenetrable Aura", then quickly switch to SAB/SAB/SYN and repeat step 2 (cast Poison, RAV/RAV/RAV, then COM/COM/COM).
- If you see it uses "Wicked Whirl", immediately swtich to SEN/SEN/SEN to reduce the damage taken. If your health is red, you can switch to MED/MED/MED for massive healing. Otherwise, you can switch to MED/SYN/SYN and have Lighting use "Cura" to heal the party. The other two attacks it has are "Wind Shear" and "Putrescence" which deal small amount of damage and debuff your party.
- The only problem with this battle is the target time, you may have to try a few times to get used to it.
Congratulations! you have finished all 64 missions of the game. The last battle you need in order to complete your Catalog is Long Gui which we'll skip for now and complete our inventory and achievement "Treasure Hunter" first.