Pick up an item in an area to your right.
- ITEM (T-01): 30 gil
Backtrack, then go up stairs and turn left first for the following battles and items.
- ENEMY (E-02): Pantheron (x1)
- ENEMY (E-03): Zwerg Scandroid (x3) (FIRST ENCOUNTER)
You can easily sneak up on these guys for a Preemptive Strike.
- ITEM (T-02): Potion (x4)
- ENEMY (E-04): Pantheron (x2)
Get out of the area and continue your main path toward.
- ENEMY (E-05): Zwerg Scandroid (x3)
- ACCESSORY (T-03): Iron Bangle (x1)
Equip the Iron Bangle on Hope immediately then jump over the rubble to the next section.
- ENEMY (E-06): Pantheron (x2)
Immediately turn back to pick up an item.
- ITEM (T-04): Potion (x2)
There is nothing on the other side, so go back to the Save Point then continue your way straight to fight 2 Pantherons:
- ENEMY (E-07): Pantheron (x2)
Then activate the switch to re-arrange the platforms and watch another cutscene.
The path is very straight forward.
- ENEMY (E-08): Pantheron (x3)
- ENEMY (E-09): Pantheron (x2)
- ENEMY (E-10): Zwerg Scandroid (x4)
- ITEM (T-05): Phoenix Down (x1)
- ENEMY (E-11): Zwerg Scandroid (x3)
- ENEMY (E-12): Myrmidon (x1)
- ENEMY (E-13): Zwerg Scandroid (x2), Pantheron (x1)
- WEAPON (T-06): Gladius (x1)
Gladius is a Lightning weapon with higher Strength than her default Blazefire Saber, so equip it right away.
- ENEMY (E-14): Pantheron (x1), Myrmidon (x1) (LAST ENCOUNTER)
Yeah! There is a lot of back and forth between main characters. When you are in control Snow, turn around for an item. There is nothing on other sides.

- ITEM (T-07): Potion (x2)
Follow the yellow marks.
- ENEMY (E-15): Zwerg Scandroid (x2), Pantheron (x1)
Hope and Vanille
- ENEMY (E-16): Zwerg Scandroid (x2)
When you go up at the intersection, turn right first for an item, then continue your way to the yellow mark.

- ENEMY (E-17): Zwerg Scandroid (x4) (LAST ENCOUNTER)
- ITEM (T-08): Fortisol (x1)
- ENEMY (E-18): Pantheron (x2)
There is a Save Point right in front of you.

- ENEMY (E-19): Pantheron (x2)
- ITEM (T-09): 100 gil
You have been fighting the same enemies for awhile, now it is time to introduce new enemies, l'Cies who had turned into zombies (called Cie'th) because they did not complete their focus(?). At this point, Snow will join your party. Ghouls are slow and can easily sneak up behind for a Preemptive Strike, so you should do it to your advantage.
- ENEMY (E-20): Ghoul (x3) (FIRST ENCOUNTER)

- ENEMY (E-21): Ghoul (x2)
- ACCESSORY (T-10): Power Wristband (x1)
Power Wristband increases Strength 20 points, so you should have Lightning equip it immediately.
- ENEMY (E-22): Ghoul (x1)
- ENEMY (E-23): Ghoul (x2)
- ENEMY (E-24): Ghoul (x1)
- ENEMY (E-25): Ghoul (x1)
- ENEMY (E-26): Ghoul (x1)
- ENEMY (E-27): Ghoul (x1)
- ENEMY (E-28): Ghoul (x2)
- ENEMY (E-29): Ghast (x1) (FIRST ENCOUNTER)
Save your game as needed (Save Point in front of you), then proceed to the next area. This area is very straight forward with the following sequences.
- ENEMY (E-30): Ghoul (x1)
- ENEMY (E-31): Ghoul (x1)
- ENEMY (E-32): Ghoul (x1)
- ENEMY (E-33): Ghoul (x1)
- ENEMY (E-34): Ghoul (x1)
- ENEMY (E-35): Ghast (x2)
Next area:
- ENEMY (E-36): Ghast (x1)
- ENEMY (E-37): Wight (x1) (FIRST ENCOUNTER), Ghoul (x1)
- ENEMY (E-38): Wight (x1), Ghast (x1)

Save your game then pick up an item on the opposite side.
- ITEM (T-11): Potion (x5)
Now prepare for a boss fight. This is the first fal'Cie you face, also the one who will grand you Focuses (and magical power). Focus is something that you must complete before a certain period of time, either you succeed or fail, you will become either Crystal or Cie'th respectively.
BOSS: Anima
BOSS: Anima (x1), Right Manipulator (x1), Left Manipulator (x1)
Strategy: The strategy is very simple, first you kill both Manipulators then focus on the body.
You have defeated one fal'Cie, more will come later. As a reward, you get to watch a lengthy cutscene about a lovebird, Sarah and Snow.