
C01-P01 - The Hanging Edge

The Hanging Edge

Lightning and Sazh

The game starts with Lightning and Sazh in your party and a boss fight. it is more like a tutorial boss.

BOSS: Manasvin Warmech

BOSS (B-01): Manasvin Warmech (x1)
Strategy: Nothing special here, just press Auto-battle.

After killing the boss, walk to toward to the Save Point and save, then follow the path for three battles and treasures, there are some cutscenes along the way too.

The Hanging Edge Path 1
The Hanging Edge Path 1
  • ENEMY (E-01): PSICOM Warden (x2) (FIRST ENCOUNTER)
  • ENEMY (E-02): PSICOM Warden (x2)
  • ENEMY (E-03): PSICOM Enforcer (FIRST ENCOUNTER) (x2), PSICOM Warden (x1)
  • ITEM (T-01): Potion (x1)
  • ENEMY (E-04): PSICOM Warden (x1), Pantheron (x2) (FIRST ENCOUNTER)

Pick up an item on a side area to your right.

  • ITEM (T-02): Potion (x2)

Continue the path and take a detour for an item.

  • ENEMY (E-05): PSICOM Enforcer (x1), PSICOM Aerial Recon (x1) (FIRST ENCOUNTER)
  • ACCESSORY (T-03): Iron Bangle (x1)

Equip the Iron Bangle on Lightning immediately, then continue. When you reach another section where you see 3 soldiers, do not engage yet. Turn back, you will see another item.

  • ITEM (T-04): 50 gil
  • ENEMY (E-06): PSICOM Warden (x3)
  • ENEMY (E-07): PSICOM Warden (x1), Pantheron (x1)

Keep running toward for a short cutscene.

The bridge has been destroyed and you have four enemies behind your back.

  • ENEMY (E-08): Pantheron (x3), PSICOM Warden (x1)

After the battle, go to the Save Point you see in the map. Then jump onto the platform next to the Save Point, activate the elevator and prepare for a fight.

  • ENEMY (E-09): PSICOM Enforcer (x2), PSICOM Marauder (x1) (FIRST/LAST ENCOUNTER)


Let's introduce another character, Snow. 

The Hanging Edge Path 2
The Hanging Edge Path 2

Immediately, after you are in control of him, turn around for an item:

  • ITEM (T-05): 50 gil

Snow comes with a handy "Hand Grenade" ability for AOE attack. Use it when you face multiple enemies.

There is a Save Point ahead of you. Keep walking this path for a series of battles and a few cutscenes:

  • ENEMY (E-10): PSICOM Enforcer (x2)
  • ENEMY (E-11): PSICOM Warden (x3)
  • ENEMY (E-12): PSICOM Warden (x2), Pantheron (x2)
  • ENEMY (E-13): PSICOM Enforcer (x1), PSICOM Warden (x2), Pantheron (x1)
  • ENEMY (E-14): PSICOM Enforcer (x2), PSICOM Warden (x2)
  • ACCESSORY (T-06): Iron Bangle (x1)
  • ENEMY (E-15): PSICOM Enforcer (x2), PSICOM Warden (x2)
  • ENEMY (E-16): PSICOM Warden (x2), Pantheron (x2)
  • ENEMY (E-17): Beta Behemoth (x1) (FIRST/LAST ENCOUNTER)

Lightning and Sazh

  • ENEMY (E-20): Myrmidon (x1) (FIRST ENCOUNTER)


Enough cutscene already. Back to Snow again, there is an item and a Save Point in front of you.

The Hanging Edge Path 3
The Hanging Edge Path 3
  • WEAPON (T-07): Power Circle (x1)

Equip Power Circle and Iron Bangle on Snow immediately because it has higher Strength than his default weapon.

  • ENEMY (E-18): PSICOM Aerial Recon (x3) (LAST ENCOUNTER), Pantheron (x2)
  • ITEM (T-08): 100 gil
  • PSICOM Enforcer (x2), PSICOM Warden (x1)

Hope and Vanille

Watch a cutscene for an introduction to two new characters, Hope and Vanille. There is no item in this area, so you just have to run to the yellow mark.


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