Back to Lightning on The Lindblum. There is nothing to do here so just go straight to the yellow mark to progress the game.
Lightning, Hope, and Fang
After the battle, fix your paradigm list as follow because the default paradigms suck:
- RAV/RAV/COM (default)
- ENEMY (E-02): PSICOM Infiltrator (x2), PSICOM Raider (x1)
Activate the elevator. Once you reach the top, turn right for an item.

- ITEM (T-01): Digital Circuit (x4)
When you are outside of the airship.

- ENEMY (E-03): Deckdrone (x2) (FIRST ENCOUNTER)
- ITEM (T-02): Millerite (x1)
- ENEMY (E-04): Deckdrone (x2), PSICOM Dragoon (x1) (FIRST ENCOUNTER)
- ENEMY (E-05): Deckdrone (x5)
- ENEMY (E-06): PSICOM Dragoon (x1)
- ITEM (T-03): Incentive Chip (x3)
- ENEMY (E-07): PSICOM Dragoon (x2)
- ENEMY (E-08): Deckdrone (x3)
- ENEMY (E-09): Deckdrone (x4), PSICOM Dragoon (x1)
- ITEM (T-04): Silicone Oil (x4)
- ENEMY (E-10): Deckdrone (x2)
- ENEMY (E-11): Deckdrone (x3), PSICOM Dragoon (x2)
Inside airship:
- ENEMY (E-12): PSICOM Raider (x2), PSICOM Infiltrator (x2)
- ENEMY (E-13): PSICOM Huntress (x1) (FIRST ENCOUNTER), PSICOM Infiltrator (x3)
The path forward leads to a front desk room which is a dead end. If you are a completionist, you should go fight the enemies for CPs and for the sake of completion.
- ENEMY (E-14): PSICOM Huntress (x1), PSICOM Infiltrator (x2)
- ENEMY (E-15): PSICOM Infiltrator (x2), PSICOM Raider (x1)
Save your game, backtrack to previous intersection and turn left. Note that enemies from previous battles are re-spawned so I won't list them here. After you take the left turn, you'll see a treasure.

- WEAPON (T-05): Lifesaber (x1)
- ENEMY (E-16): PSICOM Infiltrator (x1), PSICOM Huntress (x2)
- ENEMY (E-17): Viking (x1) (FIRST ENCOUNTER)
- ACCESSORY (T-06): Ember Ring (x1)
- ENEMY (E-18): PSICOM Raider (x2), PSICOM Huntress (x2)
- ENEMY (E-19): Viking (x1), PSICOM Raider (x2)

- ENEMY (E-19): PSICOM Raider (x1), PSICOM Infiltrator (x2)
- ENEMY (E-20): PSICOM Huntress (x2)
- ENEMY (E-21): PSICOM Raider (x2)
- ENEMY (E-22): PSICOM Infiltrator (x3)
- ENEMY (E-23): Viking (x1), PSICOM Huntress (x2)
- WEAPON (T-07): Pandoran Spear (x1)

- ENEMY (E-24): Flanborg (x1) (FIRST ENCOUNTER), Flanitor (x1)
- ENEMY (E-25): Flanborg (x1)
Turn right:
- ENEMY (E-26): Flanborg (x2)
Then turn right again, activate the door switch.
- ENEMY (E-27): Flanborg (x2), Flanitor (x1)
- ACCESSORY (T-08): Royal Armlet (x1)
You can skip the 3 Flans on the left corridor, so head straight to the yellow mark, then pick up an item before you activate the switch.
- ITEM (T-09): Murky Ooze (x12)
Lightning, Hope, and Fang
Move forward a little bit you will see a Save Point. You may also notice in the mini-map that the paths are in circle, so I suggest you walk through the outer ring in a counter-clockwise direction.

Outer circle:
- ENEMY (E-28): Vespid Soldier (x2) (FIRST ENCOUNTER)
- ENEMY (E-29): Thermadon (x1) (FIRST ENCOUNTER), PSICOM Raider (x2)
- ITEM (T-09): White Cape (x1)
- ENEMY (E-30): Viking (x3)
- ENEMY (E-31): Vespid Soldier (x2), Thermadon (x1)
- ENEMY (E-32): Vespid Soldier (x3), PSICOM Infiltrator (x2)
- ITEM (T-10): Pain Dampener (x1)
- ENEMY (E-33): Viking (x3)
Middle circle:
- ENEMY (E-34): PSICOM Huntress (x2)
- ENEMY (E-35): Thermadon (x1)
- ENEMY (E-36): PSICOM Infiltrator (x3)
- ENEMY (E-37): Viking (x3)
Inner circle:
- ITEM (T-11): Perfect Conductor (x1)
- ENEMY (E-38): Vespid Soldier (x2)
- ITEM (T-12): Rhodochrosite (x1)
- ENEMY (E-39): Viking (x1), PSICOM Huntress (x1)
That's all in this area, head to the yellow mark.

- ENEMY (E-40): Flanitor (x2)
- ENEMY (E-41): Flanborg (x2), Flanitor (x1)
- ENEMY (E-42): Thermadon (x1)
- ENEMY (E-43): Flanborg (x2)
- ITEM (T-13): Segmented Carapace (x8)
- ENEMY (E-44): Flanborg (x2) (LAST ENCOUNTER), Flanitor (x1) (LAST ENCOUNTER)
Let's go to the center:
- ENEMY (E-45): Thermadon (x1), Vespid Soldier (x3)
(I don't think you take down these guys alone, just summon Brynhildr to kill them)
- ITEM (T-14): Phoenix Down (x1)
That is all in the center area, follow the yellow mark.
- ENEMY (E-46): Vespid Soldier (x1), Thermadon (x1)