MISSION 01: Pond Scum
Let's start our first mission by talking to the Cie'th Stone. Once the mission started, you will see a pink star on the map, that's where your target is.

- MISSION 01: Ectopudding (x1)
Reward: Energy Sash (x1)
Strategy: Sneak behind it for Preemptive Strike.
MISSION 02: Goodwill Hunting
Second Cie'th Stone will be active after you completed the first mission, so examine the stone for mission 2.
- MISSION 02: Uridimmu (x1), Gorgonopsid (4)
Reward: Cobaltite (x1)
Strategy: Focus on killing Uridimmu first, it doesn't have a lot of health but it can deal great damage to your party.

MISSION 03: Massif Contamination
Third Cie'th is just nearby where you defeated Uridimmu. However, the mark is far from where you are so it is going to be a very long walk.

During your way to the Mark, you will come across a small river. Follow the river up stream, you'll find a treasure in front of a waterfall.

- ITEM (T-01): Rune Bracelet (x1)
Once you reach the Mark, don't forget to pick up an item in the side area of the Save Point.

- ITEM (T-02): Diabolic Tail (x9)
- MISSION 03: Ugallu (x1)
Reward: Platinum Bangle (x1)
Strategy:- It is impossible to trigger Preemptive Strike, so just confront it face to face.
- This is a very usual fight, start with COM/RAV/RAV until the stagger meter is around 800% then switch to COM/COM/RAV to finish it off.
MISSION 04: A Hero's Charge
Turn around and walk straight to the cliff, you'll see the fourth Cie'th Stone. This is also a Waystone meaning that you can teleport to other places. Right now, you only have one Waystone so you can't really teleport to anywhere yet.

Don't forget to pick treasures along your way.
- ITEM (T-03): Esoteric Oil (x8)
- ITEM (T-04): Rune Bracelet (x1)
- ITEM (T-05): 1827 gil
- MISSION 04: Adroa (x4), Verdelet (x2)
Reward: Pearl Necklace (x1)
Strategy:- Sneaking for Preemptive Strike, it may take a few tries though.
- Blitz them until verdelets die, then focus on killing all Adroa as quickly as possible before they summon Ugallu. It is still possible to kill Ugallu and get 5 stars but it's gonna be tough.
- Another strategy (if you didn't max out 2 main roles as I suggested) is that you summon Bahamut, spam his "Aerial Loop" skill, and when it's almost time out, use Megaflare to finish them off.
Another item to pick up after defeating Adroa
- ITEM (T-06): Millerite (x2)
Now backtrack until you see a Save Point, nearby is our next Cie'th Stone.
Once you walk pass a narrow path with some flower monsters, turn left first for a treasure.

- ACCESSORY (T-07): Watchman's Amulet (x1)
- MISSION 05: Edimmu (x1)
Reward: Sorcerer's Mark (x1)
Strategy:- Well, at first glance it seems impossible to sneak up for a Preemptive Strike but it is actual possible. First, lure it out of its standing position and when it tries to walk back, you can quickly sprint behind its back to trigger Preemptive Strike. Without the Preemptive Strike, this fight is a pain in the ass.
- Once you get the Preemptive Strike, start with COM/COM/RAV to finish it off.
Then pick up an item he guarded:
- ITEM (T-08): Millerite (x1)
Since you are already here, there is another treasure at the very end of this section so turn around and move forward until you see an open area then keep right and walk until you reach a dead-end.

- ACCESSORY (T-09): Glass Orb (x1)