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New Game+

I hope you already save your game in a new slot. Now, if you started your first playthrough in "Normal" mode, you should start your second playthrough in "Hard" mode (honestly, I did not see any difference) or vice versa. Because the "Bitter Battle" achievement requires you to play in Hard mode. 

What carry over:

  • Apple, Soma Drop
  • Tails, Onion Equipment, Adamant Armor
  • Augments
  • Hidden Summon
  • Map Completion

Repeat this guide for the second and third playthroughs except that you cannot repeat the Namingway quest and the most importantly see the IMPORTANT section below:


Seriously, I put 3 stars and all caps! 


Since all augments are carried over to new game+, I mistakenly gave augments to side characters again, so DO NOT give them any augments. The only 2 characters that you have to give are in second playthrough are Edward and Cid. 

Dr. Lugae

Another thing to keep in mind is Dr. Lugae. Remember In the first playthrough, if you follow this gudie, you kill Barnabas first. So, this time in the second playthrough, kill Dr. Lugae first because he is a different bestiary.

Deep into Darkness

This is just a reminder in case you haven't got "Deep into Darkness" achievement which I stated in "012. Mount Ordeals" section, simply raise Dark Cecil to level 25 before talking to the stone on top of mount Odeals.


Now with Love and Darkness augments, you can pretty much kill any bosses in a few hits (feel like you're cheating huh?) so farming exp is not necessary until late game. Cecil always equip with Safe Travel augment when traveling, and equip with Love, Darkness, and Level Lust augments when fighting bosses. This strategy will help you finish your 2nd and 3rd playthroughs very quickly.

Second Playthrough

So in this playthrough, give the following augments to Edward and Cid:

EdwardEye Gouge, Auto-Potion
CidItem Lore, Recall

Congratulation! You now obtained all augments and unlocked another achievement.


When you face Dr. Lugae at 034. Tower of Babil - First Visit, this time kill Dr. Lugae first complete your bestiary. Here is my recommendation on other augments:

  • Twincast: anyone
  • Dualcast: Rydia
  • Hide: Edge
  • Fast Talker: Rosa
  • Analyze: Cecil
  • MP+50: Rydia
  • Darkness: Kain
  • Focus: Cecil
  • Kick: Kain or Edge
  • Brace: Kain or Edge
  • HP+50: Kain or Edge
  • Omnicast: Rydia

Again, the list above is just my recommendation as I see fit but the choice is yours. Another decision you have to make is whether you want to max out stats or not? Remember I noted in early that you can complete 100% achievements here but I highly NOT recommend it since it's very hard to defeat Proto-Babil.

Third Playthrough

The reason that I didn't mention about some augments because they are critical in maxing character stats such as Love, Limit Break, Tsunami, Inferno, Curse, Whirlwind. They give the most stats when leveling up. In addition, I want you to have options to create your own combination in stats maxing. For example, if you choose to give Limit Break to Cecil, Kain or Rydia, then you will have to adjust other augments. However if you don't like math, you can simply follow the next section where I give Limit Break to Cecil.

Here are augments left in the third playthrough if you haven't given to any characters:

  • Auto-Potion (x1)
  • Item Lore (x1)
  • Counter (x2)
  • Curse (x2)
  • Tsunami (x3)
  • Twincast (x2)
  • Bluff (x2)
  • Cry (x2)
  • Dualcast (x1)
  • Gil Farmer (x2)
  • Bardsong (x2)
  • Salve (x2)
  • Hide (x2)
  • Recall (x1)
  • Last Stand (x2)
  • Fast Talker (x1)
  • Whirlwind (x3)
  • Draw Attacks (x2)
  • Reach (x2)
  • Analyze (x1)
  • Adrenaline (x2)
  • Upgrade (x2)
  • MP+50 (x1)
  • Inferno (x3)
  • Darkness (x1)
  • Focus (x1)
  • Kick (x1)
  • Brace (x1)
  • Level Lust (x2)
  • HP+50 (x1)
  • Piercing Magic (x2)
  • Bless (x2)
  • Omnicast (x1)
  • Phoenix (x2)
  • Limit Break (x1)


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