Sylph Cave is located at the northwest of the map, it has two different paths that requires you to venture twice to complete the cave. But first, make sure that Rosa is at least level 38 before entering the cave. She can learn Float level 38 which allows your party float above the ground to avoid unnecessary damage while exploring. Also, Rosa should equip Rune Armlet to prevent some of annoying spells like Sleep, Silencing, Blind, Toad.
First Path
When you reach a house at #6, you'll be surprise to find your old party member, Yang, over there... Unfortunately, he is still in a very deep sleep and you need something to wake him up.

Item checklist:
- Angel Arrows
- Bestiary
- Elven Bow
- Cottage
- 1000 gil
- Arctic Wind
- Golden Apple
- Soma Drop
- Ether
- Hi-Potion
- Mage Masher
- Elixir
- Kiku-ichimonji
- Aura Staff
Second Path
One thing to note though when you reach #5, all treasure chests in there contain monsters.

Item checklist:
- Hi-Potion
- Maiden's Kiss
- Faerie Rod
- Remedy
- Bomb Core
- 2000 gil
- 3000 gil
- Emergency Exit
- Maiden's Kiss (x2)
- Ether
- Red Fang
- White Fang
- Blue Fang
- Moonring Blade
- Avenger
- Medusa Arrows