Chocobo Village
You cannot access Lodestone Cavern by airship because there is no grassland to land your ship. You first have to catch a black Chocobo for a ride. Black Chocobo can fly and land in a forest area. Now go to catch a Black Chocobo lives in a Chocobo Village up north.
Item checklist:
- Gysahl Greens (x3)

Lodestone Cavern
*** Make sure that you equip non-metallic weapons and armors before entering Lodestone Cavern.
Boss: Dark Elf
You cannot defeat him in the first fight, so don't bother healing your party. After Edward playing a song through Whisperweed he gave to Cecil, you can now defeat him. But first re-equip all your best gears before approach the boss. During the fight you can start with Silence and then auto attack.
After defeated the boss, you can quickly exit the cavern by using Teleport spell or Emergency Exit outside the Crystal Chamber.

Item checklist:
- Hi-Potion (x2)
- Unicorn Horn
- Ether (x2)
- 2000 gil
- Spider Silk
- Bronze Hourglass
- Faerie Claw
- Emergency Exit