This is a one time visit, so make sure to farm all bestiary:
- Leshy
- Ironback
- Armadillo
- Black Lizard
- White Mousse
- Medusa
- Mystery Egg
- Skuldier
- Blood Bat
- Steel Golem
- Coeurl
- Sorcerer
- Mad Ogre
- Lamia Matriarch
- Mythril Golem
- Storm Anima
- Lamia
- Ghost Knight
- Balloon
Once you reach #6, there are bosses waiting for you.
Bosses: King and Queen Eblan
Well, it's very sinful to kill your own parents. So, just defend and heal, and everything will be fine.
Boss: Rubycante
Strategy: Edge use Steal on him when he open his cloak, trust me you don't want to see Inferno.

Item checklist:
- Unicorn Horn
- Silver Hourglass
- Ogrekiller
- Lilith's Kiss
- Ashura
- 10000 gil
- Hi-Potion