Again, I highly recommend that you equip Cecil with Treasure Hunter before started hunting these tails. Also, it is best if you Netflix playing at the same time.
You only need one each to get achievement. Still, it's up to you whether you want 5 suits of Onion Equipment for your final five. To be honest, the only Onion equipment that is worth farming is Onion Sword, other than that, Adamant Armor is the best Armor.
To exchange for equipment, go to Adamant Isle Grotto.
Here are strategies that I used for tail hunts:
Flan Princess
- Cecil must equip Crystal Mail (the ONLY item that prevents Berserk).
- Equip Cecil with Stardust (must be first slot), Draw Attacks, Counter, Treasure Hunter augments.
- Swap him to back row.
- Now go to Lunar Subterrane - B5 (Southeast Room).
- Set to auto-battle, then heal Cecil when he is low in HP and repeat the Siren.
- You can choose to restart the game after 30 or 40 Siren (this way, you do not need to run back to buy Siren and Stardust).
Red Dragon
- Equip Cecil with Love (first slot), Draw Attacks, Counter, Treasure Hunter augments.
- Equip Rosa with Dualcast and Omnicast augments.
- Have Rosa uses Berserk on Red Dragon.
- if you are level 99, you shouldn't have any problem to set auto-battle on, otherwise, you need Rosa to use Blink on everyone.
- Heal everyone and repeat the Siren.
Armor Fiend
Armor Fiend is not as strong as Red Dragon. The strategy is quite simliar to the Red Dragon except that you do not need to use Berserk on him. Have everyone attacks or set auto-battle on.
Thunder Dragon
You do not lose a single HP when farming thunder dragons.
- Equip Cecil with Crystal Mail (or Adamant Armor) and Cursed Ring (Cursed Ring convert magic resistance from equipment to absorb).
- Equip Cecil with Love, Draw Attacks, and Treasure Hunter augments.
- Set auto attack and repeat.
Yellow Dragon and Green Dragon
Well, just auto attack!

Here is my tail hunt records in case you want to know:
- Pink Tail: ~2 hours
- Red Tail: ~2-3 hours
- Black Tail: ~3 hours
- Blue Tail: ~1 hours
- Yellow Tail: ~1 hours
- Green Tail: ~1 hours