Final Fantasy IV (3D Remake) Banner

25. Tower of Zot

Tower of Zot

This is a one time visit, make sure to farm Bestiary. Here is the bestiary checklist:

  •  Centaur Knight
  • Sorceress
  • Purple Bavarois
  • Gremlin
  • Black Knight
  • Frostbeast
  • Ice Lizard
  • Fell Turtle
  • Marionetteer (First Floor)
  • Marionette (First Floor)
  • Soldieress
  • Flamehound

Bosses: Sisters (Sandy, Cindy, Mindy)
Just kill them in this order: Cindy, Sandy, and Mindy


  • Give Dualcast to Rosa and assign to her ability slot immediately; it allows you to cast magic twice. 
  • Give Recall and Last Stand to Yang.
  • This one is up to you, but I recommend give Cry to Kain.

Boss: Barbariccia 
You cannot hit her when she is in Tornado state, ONLY Kain can break it by using Jump.

25.1. Tower of Zot
25.1. Tower of Zot

Baron Castle

Exit Baron castle.

26.1. Baron Castle
26.1. Baron Castle


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