Final Fantasy IV (3D Remake) Banner


My first intention was to keep these screenshots for my second and third playthroughs because I wanted to play faster for a perfect game with all achievements and collect all items. Later, I realized I could share this guide with other FFIV players because even myself struggling in finding hidden items and paths throughout the game. With all maps captured in pictures, it helps me walk through the game faster without remembering all the little details. 

Let's make this short. if you are like me who don't like reading long paragraphs of walkthroughs, you probably find this easy to complete the game. This walkthrough followed Action Walkthrough for DS version with some modifications since Steam version doesn't have Whyt and mini-games. I recommend reading from Action's walkthrough if you want to know all the details of the entire game.

If you just want to fnish the game, you can still use this walkthrough by skipping all optional sections. Before we start, here is a a few thing you must do in order to get 100% achievements. 

  • You must complete 100% map. I guess it's not hard to do since you can foresee the maps before you even proceed.
  • You must complete the game at least 2 times (at least 1 time in "Hard" mode).
  • You must own at least 1 suit of Onion Equipment and 1 Adamant Armor (See Tail Hunt section).
  • You must unlock all hidden summons (see Hidden Summon section).
  • You must steal Dark Matter from Zeromus in order to fight Proto-Babil.
  • You must defeat Geryon and Proto-Babil.
  • You must complete 100% Bestiary.

I only covered permanently missable and difficult achievements throughout the game, others can be obtained at late game or whenever you feel like doing them.

If you are here for Stats Maxing guide and calculator, skip to Stats Maxing section.


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