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Zeus' Boons add chain lightning to abilities or causes lightning to strike nearby enemies. They are very good for weapons that deal multiple damage in short period of time like Heart-Seeking Bow, Adamant Rails, Twin Fists, and Stygian Sword.

Lightning Strike

Your Attack emits chain-lightning when you damage a foe.
Lightning Damage: 10

thunder Flourish

Special causes a lightning bolt to strike nearby foes.
Your Bolt Damage: 30

Electric Shot

Your Cast is a burst of chain-lightning that bounces between foes.
Cast Damage: 50 -> 60

Thunder Flare

Your Cast causes a lightning bolt to strike nearby foes.
Bolt Damage: 50 -> 60

Offer Requirements

Required Aspect
Aspect of Beowulf

Thunder Dash

Your Dash causes a lightning bolt to strike nearby foes.
Bolt Damage: 10

Zeus' Aid

Call makes lightning rapidly strike nearby foes for 1.5 Sec.
Your Lightning Damage: 50
Max Cauge Bonus: 9 Sec. Duration

Billowing Strength

After using, you deal more damage for 15 Sec.
Call Bonus Damage: +200

Lightning Reflexes

After you Dash just before getting hit, a bolt strikes a nearby foe.
Bolt Damage: 20

Heaven's Vengeance

After you take damage, your foe is struck by lightning.
Revenge Damage: 80

Clouded Judgement

God Gauge charges up faster when you deal or take damage.
Your Faster Gauge Gain: +10%

High Voltage

Your lightning bolt effects deal damage in a larger area.
Bolt Area of Effect: +600

Offer Requirements

One of the following Boon:
  • Thunder Flourish
  • Zeus' Aid
  • Thunder Dash
  • Thunder Flare

Double Strike

Your lightning bolt effects have a chance to strike twice.
Strike Chance: +25%

Offer Requirements

One of the following Boon:
  • Thunder Flourish
  • Zeus' Aid
  • Thunder Dash
  • Thunder Flare

Storm Lightning

Your chain-lightning effects bounce more times before expiring.
Lightning Bounces: +2

Offer Requirements

One of the following Boon:
  • Lightning Strike
  • Electric Shot

Static Discharge

Your lightning effects also make foes Jolted
Jolt Damage: 60

Offer Requirements

One of the following Boon:
  • Thunder Flourish
  • Zeus' Aid
  • Thunder Dash
  • Heaven's Vengeance
  • Lightning Strike
  • Electric Shot
  • Lightning Reflexes
  • Thunder Flare

Splitting Bolt (LEGENDARY)

Whenever you strike foes with lightning Boons, fire an electric bolt.
Lightning Damage: 40

Offer Requirements

One of the following Boon:
  • Storm Lighting
  • High Voltage
  • Double Strike

Lightning Rod (DUO)

Your collectible strike nearby foes with lightning every 1 Sec.
Lightning Damage: 70

Offer Requirements

One of the following Boon from Zeus:AND one of the following from Artemis:AND Mirror of Night
  • Lightning Strike
  • Thunder Dash
  • Thunder Flourish
  • Electric shot
  • Thunder Flare
  • Zeus' Aid
  • Deadly Strike
  • Deadly Flourish
  • True Shot
  • Hunter's Flare
  • Hunter Dash
  • Artemis' Aid
  • Infernal Soul

Vengeful Mood (DUO)

Your Revenge effects sometimes occur without taking damage.
Auto-Revenge Rate: 3 Sec.

Offer Requirements

One of the following Boon from Zeus:AND One of the following from Ares:AND one of the following from Ares:
  • Lightning Strike
  • Thunder Flourish
  • Electric Shot
  • Zeus' Aid
  • thunder Flare
  • Curse of Agony
  • Curse of Pain
  • Slicing Shot
  • Blade Dash
  • Ares' Aid
  • Slicing Flare
  • Curse of Vengeance
  • Heaven's Vengeance
  • Holy Shield
  • Wave of Despair
  • Frozen Touch

Sea Storm (DUO)

When you knock foes away, they are struck by lightning.
Lightning Damage: 40

Offer Requirements

One of the following Boon from Zeus:AND one of the following from Poseidon:
  • Lightning Strike
  • Thunder Flourish
  • Electric Shot
  • Thunder Flare
  • Thunder Dash
  • Zeus' Aid
  • Tempest Strike
  • Tempest Flourish
  • Flood Shot
  • Flood Flare
  • Poseidon's Aid

Cold Fusion (DUO)

Your Jolted effects do not expire when foes attack.
Jolted Duration: 10 Sec.

Offer Requirements

The following Boon from Zeus:AND one of the following from Demeter:
  • Static Discharge
  • Frost Strike
  • Frost Flourish
  • Mistral Dash
  • Demeter's Aid

Scintillating Feast (DUO)

Festive Fog effects also deal lightning damage periodically.
Your Lightning Damage: 60

Offer Requirements

One of the following Boon from Zeus:AND the following from Dionysus:
  • Lightning Strike
  • Thunder Flourish
  • Thunder Dash
  • Zeus' Aid
  • Trippy Shot

Lightning Phalanx (DUO)

Your Phalanx Shot Cast bounces between nearby foes.
Max Bounces: 3

Offer Requirements

One of the following Boon from Zeus:AND the following from Athena:
  • Lightning Strike
  • Thunder Flourish
  • Thunder Dash
  • Zeus' Aid
  • Phalanx Shot

Smoldering Air (DUO)

God Gauge charges up automatically, but is capped at 25%.
Your Auto Gauge Cain: 1% (every 0.2 Sec.)

Offer Requirements

One of the following Boon from Zeus:AND one of the following from Aphrodite:
  • Lightning Strike
  • Thunder Dash
  • Thunder Flourish
  • Electric Shot
  • Thunder Flare
  • Zeus' Aid
  • Heartbreak Strike
  • Heartbreak Flourish
  • Crush Shot
  • Passion Dash
  • Aphrodite's Aid
  • Passion Flare


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