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Heart-Seeking Bow

Bow is the longest-range weapon, it can be very powerful when dealing damage to a single foe. Unfortunately, it is very bad clearing waves especially when you enable Tight Deadline from the pact of Punishment.

Heart-Seeking Bow Aspects
Heart-Seeking Bow Aspects

Aspect of Zagreus

Provide Critical Attack Chance. Only Attack will be critical, NOT including your Special.

LevelTitan Blood RequiredCritical Attack Chance (%)

Aspect of Chiron

You Special automatically seeks the foe last struck by your Attack. The  play style for this Aspect is that you hit a foe with your Attack following by the Special continuously until the Mark disappear then repeat. Unfortunately, this Aspect also decrease your Max Short of the Special.

LevelTitan Blood RequiredMax Shorts per Special

Aspect of Hera

Your Cast loads Bloodstones into your next Attack, firing on impact. The basic usage is that you load your Bloodstone into your Attack and shoot the enemy.

LevelTitan Blood RequiredBloodstone Drop Time (Sec)
1210 Sec
228 Sec
336.67 Sec
446.15 Sec
555 Sec

Aspect of Rama

You have Celestial Sharanga, which can cause Shared Suffering.

Unlock Condition: 

  • Reveal the Aspect of Guan Yu (External Spear).
  • Use at least 5 Titan Bloods to upgrade any Bow Aspects.
  • Talk to Artemis until you receive the following dialogue "Hey, how'd you get your hands on a nice bow like that? You take good care of Coronacht for me, so I can try it too once you're up here". You can equip Adamant Arrowhead Keepsake to increase your chance of getting Artemis Boon so that you can talk to her.

Go back and talk to the Bow to reveal the Aspect.

LevelTitan Blood RequiredDragon Rush Bonus Damage & Area (%)

Daedalus Hammer Upgrade

Twin ShotYour Attack fires 2 shots side-by-side, but has reduced range.Cannot be combined with Triple Shot or Sniper Shot.
Sniper ShotYour Attack deals +200% damage to distant foes.Cannot be combined with Point-Blank Shot or Twin Shot
Explosive ShotYour Attack deals +300% damage in an area, but charges slower.Cannot be combined with Flurry Shot or Chain Shot
Flurry ShotHold Attack to shoot rapidly, but you cannot Power Shot.Cannot be combined with Perfect Shot or Explosive Shot
Incompatible with Aspect of Rama.
Piercing VolleyYour Special pierces foes and deals +400% damage to Armor.Incompatible with Aspect of Rama
Perfect ShotYour Power Shot is easier to execute and deals +150% damage.Cannot be combined with Flurry Shot
Cannot be combined with Flurry ShotYour Special shoots +4 shots.Cannot be combined with Charged Volley
Triple ShotYour Attack fires 3 shots in a spread pattern.Cannot be combined with Twin Shot
Charged VolleyHold Special for up to 250% base damage; minimum range is reduced.Cannot be combined with Relentless Volley
Incompatible with Aspect of Chiron or Aspect of Rama
Chain ShotYour Attack bounces to up to 3 foes, dealing +15% damage for each.Cannot be combined with Explosive Shot
Point-Blank ShotYour Attack deals +150% damage to nearby foes.Incompatible with Sniper Shot
Concentrated VolleyYour Special deals +3 base damage for each consecutive hit to a foe.Incompatible with Aspect of Rama.
Repulse ShotYour Celestial Sharanga Attack creates a Blast Wave around you.Only Aspect of Rama


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