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Ares' Boons Inflict Doom, creates Blade Rifts, or increases attack damage. His Doom effect provide a single high damage in exchange for a short delay. To be honest, this is one of my least favorite Boons to build so far.

Curse Of Agony

Your Attack inflicts Doom.
Doom Damage: 50

Curse Of Pain

Your Special inflicts Doom.
Doom Damage: 60

Slicing Shot

Your Cast sends a Blade Rift hurtling ahead.
Rift Damage per Hit: 20

Slicing Flare

Your Cast sends a large Blade Rift hurtling ahead for a brief time.
Rift Damage per Hit: 30

Offer Requirements

  • Aspect of Beowulf

Blade Dash

Your Dash creates a Blade Rift where you started.
Rift Damage per Hit: 10

Ares' Aid

Your Call turns you into an Impervious Blade Rift for 1.2 Sec.
Rift Damage per Hit: 30
Max Gauge Bonus: 5 Sec. Duration

Curse Of Vengeance

After you take damage, inflict Doom on foes around you.
Doom Damage: 100

Urge To Kill

Your Attack Special and Cast deal more damage.
Bonus Damage: +10%

Blood Frenzy

After using Death Defiance, deal more damage that Encounter.
Encounter Bonus Damage: +15%

Battle Race

After slaying a foe, your next Attack or Special deals more damage.
Damage Bonus: +100%

Black Metal

Your Blade Rift effects deal damage in a wider area.
Rift Area of Effect: +20%

Offer Requirements

One of the following Boon
  • Slicing Shot
  • Blade Dash
  • Ares' Aid
  • Slicing Flare

Engulfing Vortex

Your Blade Rift effects last longer and pull foes in.
Rift Duration: +0.2 Sec.

Offer Requirements

One of the following Boon
  • Slicing Shot
  • Blade Dash
  • Ares' Aid
  • Slicing Flare

Dire Misfortune

Your Doom effects deal more damage when applied multiple times.
Bonus Damage per Stack: 10

Offer Requirements

One of the following Boon
  • Curse Of Agony
  • Curse Of Pain

Impending Doom

Your Doom effects deal more damage, but take +0.5 Sec. to activate.
Bonus Doom Damage: +60%

Offer Requirements

One of the following Boon
  • Curse Of Agony
  • Curse Of Pain
  • Curse Of Vengeance

Vicious Cycle (LEGENDARY)

Your Blade Rift effects deal more damage for each consecutive hit.
Damage Increase per Hit: +2

Offer Requirements

One of the following Boon
  • Black Metal
  • Engulfing Vortex

Hunting Blades (DUO)

Your Cast creates a faster Blade Rift that seeks the nearest foe.
Seek Duration: 3.3 Sec.

Offer Requirements

The following Boon from AresAND one of the following Boon Artemis
  • Slicing Shot
  • Deadly Strike
  • Deadly Flourish
  • Hunter Dash
  • Artemis' Aid

Vengeful Mood (DUO)

Your Revenge effects sometimes occur without taking damage.
Auto-Revenge Rate: 3 Sec.

Offer Requirements

One of the following Boon from AresAND one of the following Boon from AresAND one of the following Boon Zeus
  • Curse Of Agony
  • Curse Of Pain
  • Slicing Shot
  • Blade Dash
  • Ares' Aid
  • Slicing Flare
  • Curse Of Vengeance
  • Heaven's Vengeance
  • Holy Shield
  • Wave Of Despair
  • Frozen Touch
  • Lightning Strike
  • Thunder Flourish
  • Electric Shot
  • Thunder Dash
  • Zeus' Aid
  • Thunder Flare

Curse Of Longing (DUO)

Your Doom effects continuously strike Weak foes.
Successive Hit Damage: 50%

Offer Requirements

One of the following Boon from AresAND one of the following Boon Aphrodite
  • Curse Of Agony
  • Curse Of Pain
  • Passion Dash
  • Crush Shot
  • Heartbreak Strike
  • Heartbreak Flourish
  • Passion Flare

Curse Of Nausea (DUO)

Your Hangover effects deal damage faster.
Hangover Damage Rate: 0.5 Sec. -> 0.35 Sec.

Offer Requirements

One of the following Boon from AresAND one of the following Boon Dionysus
  • Curse Of Agony
  • Curse Of Pain
  • Curse Of vengeance
  • Drunken Strike
  • Drunken Dash
  • Drunken Flourish
  • Dionysus' Aid

Curse Of Drowning (DUO)

Your Flood Shot becomes a pulse that damages foes around you.
Pulses per Cast: 3

Offer Requirements

One of the following Boon from AresAND one of the following Boon Poseidon
  • Curse Of Agony
  • Curse Of Pain
  • Blade Dash
  • Ares' Aid
  • Flood Shot
  • Flood Flare

Freezing Vortex (DUO)

Your Cast inflicts Chill, but is smaller and moves slower.
Blade Rift Size: -15%

Offer Requirements

One of the following Boon from AresAND one of the following Boon Demeter
  • Slicing Shot
  • Slicing Flare
  • Frost Strike
  • Mistral Dash
  • Frost Flourish
  • Demeter's Aid

Merciful End (DUO)

Your abilities that can Deflect immediately activate Doom effects.
Doom Combo Damage: 40

Offer Requirements

One of the following Boon from AresAND one of the following Boon Athena
  • Curse Of Agony
  • Curse Of Pain
  • Divine Strike
  • Divine Flourish


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