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Dionysus' Boons Inflict Hangover, creates Festive Fog, and improves survivability. His Boons are mainly focus on inflict continuous damage and crowd control, but in the game of Hades, speed and high damage are more important, so he is also one of my least favorite.

Drunken Strike

Your Attack inflicts Hangover.
Hangover Damage: 4 (every 0.5 Sec.)

Drunken Flourish

Your Special inflicts Hangover.
Hangover Damage: 5 (every 0.5 Sec.)

Trippy Shot

Your Cast lobs a large explosive that bursts into Festive Fog.
Cast Damage: 50 -> 100

Trippy Flare

Your Cast damages foes around you, leaving behind Festive Fog.
Blast Damage: 50 -> 100

Offer Requirements

One of the following Aspect
  • Aspect of Hera
  • Aspect of Beowulf

Drunken Dash

Your Dash causes Hangover several times near where you started.
Hangover Damage: 2 (every 0.5 Sec.)

Dionysus' Aid

Your Call inflicts Hangover on foes all around you for 1.5 Sec.
Hangover Damage: 15 (every 0.5 Sec.)
Max Gauge Bonus: 9 Sec. Duration

Premium Vintage

Gain Max Health when you pick up Nectar. Receive 1 Nectar now.
Nectar Life Gain: +20 Max Health

After Party

If your Health is low after Encounters, restore to the threshold.
Life Threshold: 30% Health

Strong Drink

Using a Fountain restores full Health and gives you bonus damage.
Bonus Damage per Fountain: +3%

Positive Outlook

You take less damage while at 40% Health or below.
Damage Resistance: +10%

High Tolerance

You take less damage while standing in Festive Fog.
Damage Resistance: +14%

Offer Requirements

One of the following Boon
  • Trippy Shot
  • Trippy Flare

Bad influence

Deal more damage while 3 or more foes are Hangover-afflicted.
Bonus Damage: +50%

Offer Requirements

One of the following Boon
  • Drunken Dash
  • Drunken Strike
  • Drunken Flourish
  • Dionysus' Aid

Numbing Sensation

Your Hangover effects also make foes move slower.
Move Speed Reduction: +15%

Offer Requirements

One of the following Boon
  • Drunken Dash
  • Drunken Strike
  • Drunken Flourish
  • Dionysus' Aid

Peer Pressure

Hangover-afflicted foes inflict it on other foes near them every 4 Sec.
Hangover Damage: 4 (every 0.5 Sec.)

Offer Requirements

One of the following Boon
  • Drunken Dash
  • Drunken Strike
  • Drunken Flourish


Hangover-afflicted foes take bonus damage in Festive Fog.
Fog Combo Damage: +60%

Offer Requirements

One of the following BoonAND one of the following Boon
  • Trippy Shot
  • Trippy Flare
  • Drunken Strike
  • Drunken Flourish
  • Dionysus' Aid
  • Drunken Dash

Low Tolerance (DUO)

Your Hangover effects can stack more times against Weak foes.
Max Stacks vs. Weak: +3

Offer Requirements

One of the following Boon from DionysusAND one of the following Boon from Aphrodite
  • Drunken Strike
  • Drunken Flourish
  • Drunken Dash
  • Dionysus' Aid
  • Passion Dash
  • Crush Shot
  • Heartbreak Strike
  • Heartbreak Flourish
  • Passion Flare

Ice Wine (DUO)

Your Cast blasts an area with freezing Festive Fog that inflicts Chill.
Blast Damage: +30%

Offer Requirements

One of the following Boon from DionysusAND one of the following Boon from Demeter
  • Trippy Shot
  • Trippy Flare
  • Frost Strike
  • Frost Flourish
  • Mistral Dash
  • Demeter's Aid

Scintillating Feast (DUO)

Your Festive Fog effects also deal lightning damage periodically.
Lightning Damage: 60

Offer Requirements

The following Boon from DionysusAND one of the following Boon from Zeus
  • Trippy Shot
  • Lightning Strike
  • Thunder Flourish
  • Thunder Dash
  • Zeus' Aid

Splitting Headache (DUO)

Hangover-afflicted foes are more likely to take Critical damage.
Bonus Critical Chance per Hangover: +1.5%

Offer Requirements

One of the following Boon from DionysusAND one of the following Boon from Artemis
  • Trippy Shot
  • Lightning Strike
  • Thunder Flourish
  • Thunder Dash
  • Zeus' Aid

Curse Of Nausea (DUO)

Your Hangover effects deal damage faster.
Hangover Damage Rate: 0.5 Sec. -> 0.35 Sec.

Offer Requirements

One of the following Boon from DionysusAND one of the following Boon from Ares
  • Drunken Strike
  • Drunken Dash
  • Drunken Flourish
  • Dionysus' Aid
  • Curse Of Agony
  • Curse Of Pain
  • Curse Of vengeance

Exclusive Access (DUO)

Any Boons you find are more potent.
Minimum Boon Rarity: Epic

Offer Requirements

One of the following Boon from DionysusAND one of the following Boon from Poseidon
  • Drunken Strike
  • Drunken Flourish
  • Trippy Shot
  • Trippy Flare
  • Drunken Dash
  • Dionysus' Aid
  • Tempest Strike
  • Tempest Flourish
  • Flood Shot
  • Flood Flare
  • Tidal Dash
  • Poseidon's Aid

Calculated Risk (DUO)

Your foes' ranged-attack projectiles are slower.
Foe Projectile Speed Reduction: +50%

Offer Requirements

One of the following Boon from DionysusAND one of the following Boon from Athena
  • Drunken Strike
  • Drunken Flourish
  • Drunken Dash
  • Dionysus' Aid
  • Divine Strike
  • Divine Flourish
  • Divine Dash
  • Athena's Aid


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