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Athena's Boons allow abilities to Deflect projectiles and enhances Calls and defensive options. Overall, Athena provides defensive Boons rather than boosting your damage and usually damage from the Boons are pretty low. One of the best Boon from Athena is Divine Dash which can help you dodge and deflect damages back to enemies.

Divine Strike

Your Attack is stronger, and can Deflect.
Attack Damage: +40%

Divine Flourish

Special is stronger, and can Deflect
Your Special Damage: +60%

Phalanx Shot

Damages foes in a small area, and can Deflect.
Your Cast Cast Damage: 50 -> 85

Phalanx Flare

Damages foes around you, and can Deflect.
Your Cast Blast Damage: 50 -> 80

Offer Requirements

Aspect of Beowulf

Divine Dash

Your Dash deals damage and can Deflect.
Dash Damage: 10

Athena's Aid

Your Call briefly makes you Impervious and Deflect all attacks.
Effect Duration: 1.5 Sec.
Max Gauge Bonus: 6x Duration

Holy Shield

After you take damage, damage foes around you and briefly Deflect.
Revenge Damage: 30

Bronze Skin

Resist damage from foes' attacks.
Reduced Damage From Foes: +5%

Deathless Stand

Death Defiance makes you Impervious longer. Replenish 1 use.
Effect Duration: 2 Sec.

Offer Requirements

One of the following Boon
  • Divine Strike
  • Phalanx Shot
  • Divine Dash
  • Divine Flourish

Last Stand

Death Defiance restores more e than usual. Replenish 1 use.
Bonus Restoration: +10%

Offer Requirements

One of the following Boon
  • Divine Strike
  • Phalanx Shot
  • Divine Dash
  • Divine Flourish

Proud Bearing

You begin each with your God Gauge partly full.
Encounter Starting Gauge: 20%

Sure Footing

Resist damage from Traps.
Reduced Damage From Traps: +60%

Blinding Flash

Your abilities that can Deflect also make foes Exposed.
Bonus Backstab Damage: +50%

Offer Requirements

One of the following Boon
  • Divine Strike
  • Phalanx Shot
  • Phalanx Flare
  • Divine Dash
  • Divine Flourish

Brilliant Riposte

When you Deflect attacks, it deals more damage.
Deflect Damage: +80%

Offer Requirements

One of the following Boon
  • Divine Strike
  • Divine Dash
  • Holy Shield
  • Divine Flourish

Divine Protection (LEGENDARY)

You have a barrier that negates an instance of damage.
Barrier Refresh Time: 20 Sec.

Offer Requirements

The following Boon
  • Brilliant Riposte

Deadly Reversal (DUO)

After you Deflect, briefly gain +20% chance to deal Critical damage.
Effect Duration: 2 Sec.

Offer Requirements

One of the following Boon from AthenaOne of the following Boon Artemis
  • Divine Strike
  • Divine Flourish
  • Deadly Strike
  • Deadly Flourish
  • True Shot
  • Hunter's Flare
  • Artemis' Aid

Parting Shot (DUO)

Your Cast gains any bonuses you have for striking foes from behind.
Bonus Backstab Damage: +35%

Offer Requirements

One of the following Boon from AthenaOne of the following Boon Aphrodite
  • Divine Strike
  • Phalanx Shot
  • Divine Flourish
  • Divine Dash
  • Athena's Aid
  • Passion Dash
  • Crush Shot
  • Heartbreak Strike
  • Heartbreak Flourish
  • Aphrodite's Aid

Stubborn Roots (DUO)

If you have no Death Defiance, your Health slowly recovers.
Life Regeneration During Battle: 1 Health (every 0.8 Sec.)

Offer Requirements

One of the following Boon from AthenaOne of the following Boon Demeter
  • Divine Strike
  • Divine Flourish
  • Phalanx Shot
  • Phalanx Flare
  • Divine Dash
  • Athena's Aid
  • Frost Strike
  • Mistral Dash
  • Frost Flourish
  • Crystal Beam
  • Icy Flare
  • Demeter's Aid

Lightning Phalanx (DUO)

Your Phalanx Shot Cast bounces between nearby foes.
Max Bounces: 3

Offer Requirements

One of the following Boon from AthenaOne of the following Boon Zeus
  • Phalanx Shot
  • Lightning Strike
  • Thunder Flourish
  • Thunder Dash
  • Zeus' Aid

Calculated Risk (DUO)

Your foes' ranged-attack projectiles are slower.
Foe Projectile Speed Reduction: +50%

Offer Requirements

One of the following Boon from AthenaOne of the following Boon Dionysus
  • Divine Strike
  • Divine Flourish
  • Divine Dash
  • Athena's Aid
  • Drunken Strike
  • Drunken Flourish
  • Drunken Dash
  • Dionysus' Aid

Unshakable Mettle (DUO)

You cannot be stunned, and resist some damage from Bosses.
Boss Damage Reduction: +10%

Offer Requirements

One of the following Boon from AthenaOne of the following Boon Poseidon
  • Divine Strike
  • Divine Flourish
  • Phalanx Shot
  • Phalanx Flare
  • Athena's Said
  • Tempest Strike
  • Tempest Flourish
  • Flood Shot
  • Flood Flare
  • Poseidon's Aid

Merciful End (DUO)

Your abilities that can Deflect immediately activate Doom effects.
Doom Combo Damage: 40

Offer Requirements

One of the following Boon from AthenaOne of the following Boon Ares
  • Divine Strike
  • Divine Flourish
  • Curse Of Agony
  • Curse Of Pain


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