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Power Jewels and Magic Jewels

Note: items are listed in order of gameplay.

Power Jewels

1st Location

After you came out of Underground Temple, next the Magic Mirror. See: Part 1: Reunion and Separation

Solution: 1st, 3rd, 6th

12. Power Jewel
12. Power Jewel

2nd Location

Before fighting the boss Osric, there is Magic Mirror outside. Next to the Magic Mirror is a puzzle box. See: Part 2: The Keep

Solution: 6th, 1st, 4th

03. Power Jewel
03. Power Jewel

3rd Location

In a bucket on the second floor of the Keep. After you go up stairs, right next to you is a door to a room with a bucket hanging in the middle. Do not attack the bucket because it will cut the rope, the bucket will drop into a well along with the Power Jewel. See: Part 3: Trap, Trap, Trap!

Walk 03. Upstair Room
Walk 03. Upstair Room
07. Power Jewel
07. Power Jewel

4th Location

This one is a little bit complicated and confusing. It is where you climb down twice to pick up L. Crest Piece key item. Between the ladders where it prompts you if you want to go down again, stop there, turn around and go the other end to find another ladder which leads to the Power Jewel. See: Part 4: Rescuing the boy

Walk 01. Ladder to find L. Crest Piece
Walk 01. Ladder to find L. Crest Piece
Walk 02. Ladder to Power Jewel
Walk 02. Ladder to Power Jewel
01. Power Jewel
01. Power Jewel

5th Location

On the rooftop of a tower in the east area. The tower where you run upward in a spiral direction. See: Part 8: From West to East

21. Power Jewel
21. Power Jewel

Magic Jewels

1st Location

Right after you came out of the Underground Temple, you will notice a red treasure box behind leaves. See: Part 1: Reunion and Separation

11. Magic Jewel
11. Magic Jewel

2nd Location

This one can be easily missed if you are not careful enough. Right after you entered a door back to the main hall of the Keep on the 2nd floor, you will notice 2 soldiers are fighting 2 Zombie Warriors. Your job here is to rescue them by killing those 2 zombies with bow and arrows. Be careful though the soldiers may die if you take too long, and after killing the zombies, you have to wait until the soldiers drop items (yes, I lost them because I enter the door too early). Next, walk all the way back to the main hall to pick them up.

Walk 05. Rescuing Soldiers with Bow and Arrows
Walk 05. Rescuing Soldiers with Bow and Arrows
11. Magic Jewel
11. Magic Jewel

3rd Location

When you are in control of Kaede for the first time, your first objective to pick up Wooden Gear from a soldier in the west area. You will have to run pass an archery range and a bamboo garden in order to get there. The Magic Jewel in a puzzle box near the Wooden Gear; I mean it is very obvious if you don't see the box. See: Part 6: Found the Princess

Solution: 5th, 7th, 2nd

4th Location

it is in a treasure box near a ladder that leads to the rooftop of the tower where you run upward in a spiral direction. See: Part 8: From West to East

19. Magic Jewel
19. Magic Jewel

5th Location

In a storage house near the waterfall. See: Part 8: From West to East

Solution: 3rd, 6th

24. Magic Jewel
24. Magic Jewel


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