Onimusha: Warlords (Remastered) Banner

Part 3: Trap, Trap, Trap!

Consult this map for part 3:

Map 1. Keep
Map 1. Keep

Now exit and enter the main door and watch a cutscene. During the cutscene, you can see a treasure box, so pick up it after the cutscene is finished.

  • Equipment: Normal Arrows
01. Normal Arrows
01. Normal Arrows

Now that there are 2 more doors, go to the right first (the one without magic seal). Inside is a journal file.

  • File: Journal #3
Walk 01. Safe Room - Journal #3
Walk 01. Safe Room - Journal #3
02. Journal #3
02. Journal #3

Get out of the room, this time enter the sealed door with Enryuu. Two Three-Eyes will welcome you in this room, so you know what to do. Proceed to the next area. Well, another cutscene with a kid and your comrade Kaede. Notice the double doors sealed by green demon plates? remember it for now. Continue the hallway and enter the wooden door. There are a few Zombie Soldiers and a Three-Eyes, finish them off. Beneath the staircase is a door leading to a small room. Inside is a big trick box (NOTE: DO NOT randomly attack in this room or you will cut a robe). Do not go outside yet, there is another file on the shelf.

  • Equipment: Bow (Solution: left, right, left, right, right)
  • File: Suzaku
Walk 02. Under Staircase Room
Walk 02. Under Staircase Room
03. Bow
03. Bow
04. Suzaku
04. Suzaku

There is nothing else in this room, so you can get out now. Before you go upstairs, check out the treasure box in the corner for Herb. Above the treasure box is another hidden Fluorite.

  • Item: Herb
  • Item: Fluorite
05. Herb
05. Herb
06. Fluorite
06. Fluorite

Now go upstairs and enter the door right next to the staircase. Examine a bucket in the middle of the room for a Power Jewel. Remember I said not to cut the robe downstairs? :P

  • Item: Power Jewel
Walk 03. Upstair Room
Walk 03. Upstair Room
07. Power Jewel
07. Power Jewel

Get out and continue, feel free kill monsters a long the way. Two doors here, go to the level-2 sealed door first. In the room, open a treasure box for R. Crest Piece and pick up a Red Book on the table.

  • File: Red Book
  • Key Item: R. Crest Piece
Walk 04. Level-2 Fire Crystal Sealed Door
Walk 04. Level-2 Fire Crystal Sealed Door
08. Red Book
08. Red Book
09. R. Crest Piece
09. R. Crest Piece

Exit the room. 
NOTE: Before you enter the double gray doors, change your weapon to Bow and Arrows because you will need to help 2 soldiers outside. You only have one a chance to help them because they will disappear if you re-enter. The reward for saving them is Herb and Magic Jewel. It's probably safer to go back and save the game to avoid missing these items. After saving them, wait until the items appear on the ground. Once you see the items flickering on the ground, you can go all the way back to pick them up.

  • Item: Herb
  • Magic Jewel
Walk 05. Rescuing Soldiers with Bow and Arrows
Walk 05. Rescuing Soldiers with Bow and Arrows
Walk 06. Waiting for items to appear and backtrack to collect them
Walk 06. Waiting for items to appear and backtrack to collect them
10. Herb
10. Herb
11. Magic Jewel
11. Magic Jewel

Back to the where you were, circle a little you will see another level 1 sealed door, open it. Kill all the demons inside, then advance to the next door. You'll notice an obvious crate, destroy it to reveal a Normal Arrows box. The corner beneath the staircase is another Fluorite. 

  • Equipment: Normal Arrows
  • Item: Fluorite
Walk 07. Level-1 Fire Crystal Sealed Door
Walk 07. Level-1 Fire Crystal Sealed Door
12. Normal Arrows
12. Normal Arrows
13. Fluorite
13. Fluorite

Now head upstairs. This room has a Magic Mirror, a treasure box, and a file (right next to the treasure box).

  • File: Byakko
  • Equipment: Normal Arrows
14. Byakko
14. Byakko
15. Normal Arrows
15. Normal Arrows

Now enhance your weapons and save your game. Open level-2 sealed door and watch a cutscene. From this area, you will have to solve 4 different traps in order to move forward.

First trap:

  • Step 1: there is only one lever, pull it.
  • Step 2: move Kaede to pull the right lever.
  • Step 3: move Sam to pull another. It will open another section.
  • Step 4: This section has 3 levers, move Kaede to pull the far left. This lever will also open the cell containing a treasure box.
Walk 08. Lever Trap - Step 1
Walk 08. Lever Trap - Step 1
Walk 08. Lever Trap - Step 2
Walk 08. Lever Trap - Step 2
Walk 08. Lever Trap - Step 3
Walk 08. Lever Trap - Step 3
Walk 08. Lever Trap - Step 4
Walk 08. Lever Trap - Step 4

Move Samanosuke to pick up the Holy Armor from the treasure box then equip it immediately.

  • Equipment: Holy Armor
16. Holy Armor
16. Holy Armor
How to equip armor
How to equip armor
  • Step 5: Move Samanosuke to pull the right lever (the 3rd one from Kaede).
  • Step 6: Enter the door, you don't have to pull the last one.
Walk 08. Lever Trap - Step 5
Walk 08. Lever Trap - Step 5
Walk 08. Lever Trap - Step 6
Walk 08. Lever Trap - Step 6

Second Trap:

It's pitch black in this room, so lit all the candle with your fire sword (press triangle button) then advance to next door. 

Walk 09. Candle Trap
Walk 09. Candle Trap

Third Trap:

This one is easy too. Since the pattern is random, I won't be able to help you much, so just be careful not to kill each other or it will game over. The trick is that you don't have to move both of them to other side. The strategy here is to move Samanosuke forward and have Kaede stepping on the same 2 trick tiles. After you reach the circle tile, step on it to disable the trap.

Walk 10. Tricked Tiles Trap
Walk 10. Tricked Tiles Trap

Yey! you made it. But there is another one!!!

Fourth Trap:

Follow the images below:

Walk 11. Water Trap - Move 0
Walk 11. Water Trap - Move 0
Walk 11. Water Trap - Move 1
Walk 11. Water Trap - Move 1
Walk 11. Water Trap - Move 2
Walk 11. Water Trap - Move 2
Walk 11. Water Trap - Move 3
Walk 11. Water Trap - Move 3
Walk 11. Water Trap - Move 4
Walk 11. Water Trap - Move 4
Walk 11. Water Trap - Move 5
Walk 11. Water Trap - Move 5
Walk 11. Water Trap - Move 6
Walk 11. Water Trap - Move 6
Walk 11. Water Trap - Move 7
Walk 11. Water Trap - Move 7
Walk 11. Water Trap - Move 8
Walk 11. Water Trap - Move 8
Walk 11. Water Trap - Move 9
Walk 11. Water Trap - Move 9
Walk 11. Water Trap - Move 10
Walk 11. Water Trap - Move 10
Walk 11. Water Trap - Move 11
Walk 11. Water Trap - Move 11
Walk 11. Water Trap - Move 12
Walk 11. Water Trap - Move 12
Walk 11. Water Trap - Move 13
Walk 11. Water Trap - Move 13
Walk 11. Water Trap - Move 14
Walk 11. Water Trap - Move 14
Walk 11. Water Trap - Move 15
Walk 11. Water Trap - Move 15

You finally made it. Advance forward to the next door, then another door, you will see an obvious box on the wall with a string, pull it down to disable all traps that you just went through. You might want to go back to save your game at this point.


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