01. Your Soul is Mine
Use the gauntlet to absorb demon souls. Automatically obtain as game progress.

02. Lightning Strikes
Obtain the Shiden. Automatically obtain as game progress.

03. Raging Flames
Obtain the Kouen. Automatically obtain as game progress.

04. A Storm is Coming
Obtain the Arashi. Automatically obtain as the game progress.

05. Vengeance
Defeat Osric. Automatically obtain as the game progress.

06. Slaying in the Moonlight
Defeat Marcellus. Automatically obtain as the game progress.

07. There Can be Only One
Defeat Stylado. Automatically obtain as the game progress.

08. Axe-ecutioner
Deafeat Barabazuu. Automatically obtain as the game progress.

09. Pest Exterminator
Defeat Hecuba. Automatically obtain as the game progress.

10. Elite Demon Slayer
Defeat Marcellus's final form. Automatically obtain as the game progress.

11. Save the Princess
Defeat Fortinbras. Automatically obtain as the game progress.

12. The Silent Thinker
Solve the crest puzzle. you'll obtain this automatically if you follow my walkthrough.

13. Keep to Yourself
Enter the abandoned keep. Automatically obtain as the game progress in Part 2.

14. Occult Unsealed
Unseal the path to the Keep Underground. Automatically obtain as the game progress in Part 5.

15. Wish I had This Sooner
Obtain the Sacred Knife. You'll automatically obtain this if you follow my walkthrough in part 6.

16. Glimmering Waters
Use the Decorated Sword to enter the East Area. Automatically obtain as the game progress in part 8.

17. When Worlds Collide
Open the gate to the Demon World. Automatically obtain as the game progress in part 10.

18. Just Halfway
Complete the first half of the Dark Realm. Automatically obtain if you follow my walkthrough in part 7.

19. A Survivor to the End
Complete the first half of the Dark Realm. Automatically obtain if you follow my walkthrough in part 7.

20. Blunt Sword, Sharp Mind
Complete the game in Normal mode without enhancing swords or using Jewels. This is a little hard but doable because you can still use herbs and medicine. Enhancing orbs is allowed.

21. The Ultimate Champion
Complete the game on Ultimate difficulty. This one is pretty easy since you start the game with Bishamon Sword in this mode. All monsters are killed in one or two hits.

22. None for Me, Thanks
Complete the game in Normal mode without using herbs or medicine. This one is not really that hard because you can still heal with yellow souls. To guarantee monsters emit yellow souls, you have to do critical hit.

23. Speed Demon
Complete the game in less than 3 hours. Pretty easy for the second or third run.

24. Pro-nimusha
Complete the game and get an S rank. Here is the criteria to get S rank:
- Finish the game under 3 hours
- Absorb at least 55,000 red souls (you can see the total of red souls on your menu).
- Kill at least 600 monsters. This one is little bit hard to track since the game only show the number of monsters killed at the end.
If you don't get S rank at the end, reload your game before you enter the Demon World; You should have saved your game in the Sentry Room (if you follow this guide). Talk to the moth man in the Sentry Room and re-enter Dark Realm until you have enough kills and red souls. One trip to the Dark Realm is about 10 to 15 minutes.

25. Ogre Savior
Complete all stages of Oni Spirits. You have to collect all Fluorites to unlock Oni Spirits. There 12 levels to this mini-games. Basically, your objective is to destroy all jars until the number "Release" reaches zero (monsters destroying jars do not count).

26. Sight Beyond Sight
Obtain the Vision Staff. This key item is missable, but if you follow my walkthrough in part 8, you should unlock this achievement automatically.

29. Demon Die Now
Obtain the Bishamon Sword. Again, if you follow my guide, you should unlock this automatically in part 10. To open the gate to Bishamon Sword, you first have to get Bishamon Ocarina in the Dark Realm.

30. Walking Encyclopedia
Collect all files. You should automatically obtain this achievement if you follow this guide.

31. Never Lost
Collect all maps. You should automatically obtain this achievement if you follow this guide.

32. All for One, One for Fluorite
Collect all Fluorites. Click here to see all Fluorite locations.

33. Panda-monium
Unlock Samanosuke's alternate outfit. Just complete the game for the first time and the outfit will be automatically unlocked.

34. Scantily-Clad Jutsu
Unlock Kaede's alternate outfit. You must complete the game with S rank. check out the the S rank achievement.
See achievement: 24. Pro-nimusha

35. Enhance!
Enhance equipment at a Magic Mirror. Automatically obtain as the game progress.

36. Gaunt and Done It
Enhance the gauntlet to maximum. Your gauntlet has level 3 too. Try to absorb as many red souls as you can until it becomes gold. You can see it's changing color when open the menu. The best location to farm souls is in the Dark Realm; you can enter the Dark Realm as many times as you want).

37. Max Swords
Enhance all swords to maximum. The best place to farm souls is in the Dark Realm.

38. Max Orbs
Enhance all orbs to maximum. The best place to farm souls is in the Dark Realm.

39. Demonic Vitality
Use Power Jewels to increase Vitality to maximum. You should have all 5 Power Jewels if you follow this guide, so use them to increase your vitality bar to maximum.

40. Magic Overload
Use Magic Jewels to increase Magic Power to maximum. You should have all 5 Power Jewels if you follow this guide, so use them to increase your vitality bar to maximum.

41. All in a Day's Work
Save a soldier under attack by demons. Pretty easy as there are plenty of soldiers throughout the game.

42. Deadly Strike
Use a Deadly Strike to kill a demon. Perform a critical hit to kill a monster is easy, just try with Zombie Soldiers. Parry critical hit also count.

43. Secret Ninja Skills
Attack a demon with Kaede's Deadly Strike. Pretty easy, lock to a monster, jump behind it by pressing "forward + square button", then press "square button" again.

44. One Chance
Strike Marcellus's final form with a Deflect Critical attack. Can easily perform on Marcellus second form. Wait until he rush toward you, press guard + attack button. Not so hard, if you manage to reach the demon world, you should be able to do it.

45. See You Next Fall
Defeat a demon by dropping it down the waterfall. Your objective is to lure at least 1 Samurai to the middle of the bridge at the waterfall, then cut the rope to destroy the bridge, see part 8 for more detail and pictures.

46. Road Kill
Kill a demon with a battering ram. Pretty easy, in the west area where there is a battering ram, cut the rope to roll the battering ram over Zombie Soldiers. See part 8 for more details and pictures.

47. Mano A Mano
Win a power struggle with a demon. The power struggle only happens with bigger demons. Basically, try to hit them at the same time as they hit you. Once you get it press buttons as many times as possible to win the struggle.

48. Luck, Yeah, Right
Solve all number puzzles. You should have unlocked this achievement if you follow my walkthrough.

49. Decrypter, Table for One
Solve all decoder boxes. You should have unlocked this achievement if you follow my walkthrough.

50. Soul Whisperer
Obtain the Rosary of Communication. You should automatically obtain this achievement if you follow this guide.

55. Two to Tango
Speak to the first and second old moth man. First moth man is in Sentry Room (Keep) and second moth man is in a well, west area. You should automatically obtain this achievement if you follow this guide.
See Part 7: Dark Realm for the first moth man and Part 8: From West to East for the second moth.

56. The True Onimusha
Collect all Honors.