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Keepsakes and Companions


Keepsake is like an accessory item that provide a boost to a specific stats or even grand a unique ability. Some of them provide a much better stats but has a negative effect. Some can force the next boon to be a specific god.

To be honest, only a handful of them are useful. Here are some of my recommendations:

  • Olympian God boons are handy when you first your escape because it will force the very first boon to be whatever god you want to go with.
  • Pom Blossom: you'll get free upgrade every 4 encounters for a random boon. Buying an upgrade from Charon is costly.
  • Broken Spearpoint: useful at higher regions because it'll help reduce the damage from consecutive attacks. Basically, you'll only take the damage for the first hit, then for the next 1.5sec you are invulnerable.
Old Spiked CollarCerberus; you share a Ferocious BondAdd +25/38/50 to your Life Total.
Myrmidon BracerAchilles; you share a an Unyielding BondTake -20/25/30% damage from the front, but +10% from the back.
Black ShawlNyx; you share an Eternal BondDeal +10/15/20% damage striking undamaged foes; also striking foes from behind.
Pierced ButterflyThanatos; you share an Undying BondGain +1/1.5/2% damage each time you clear an Encounter without taking damage.
Bone HourglassCharon; you share an Unspoken BondItems from the Well of Charon have durations increased by +4/6/8 Encounters.
Chthonic Coin PurseHypnos; you share a Dreamlike BondReceive 100/125/150 golds to spend as you please (once per escape attempt).
Skull EarringMegaera; you share an Intense BondDeal +20/30/40% damage while at 35% Health or less.
Distant MemoryOrpheus; you share a Sonorous BondDeal +10/20/30% damage to distant foes (at least 500 units away).
Harpy Feather DusterDusa; you share an Immaculate BondBroken urns have a 3/5/6% chance to contain healing items.
Lucky ToothSkelly; you share an Unbreakable BondAutomatically restore up to 50/75/100 Health when Life Total is depleted (once per escape attempt).
Thunder SignetZeus; you share a Thunderous BondThe next Boon you find will be from Zeus. His blessings have +10/15/20% chance to be Rare or better.
Conch ShellPoseidon; you share an Unshakable BondThe next Boon you find will be from Poseidon. His blessings have +10/15/20% chance to be Rare or better.
Owl PendantAthena; you share a Knowing BondThe next Boon you find will be from Athena. Her blessings have +10/15/20% chance to be Rare or better.
Eternal RoseAphrodite; you share a Beautiful BondThe next Boon you find will be from Aphrodite. Her blessings have +10/15/20% chance to be Rare or better.
Blood-Filled VialAres; you share a Blood-bound BondThe next Boon you find will be from Ares. His blessings have +10/15/20% chance to be Rare or better.
Adamant ArrowheadArtemis; you share an Impenetrable BondThe next Boon you find will be from Artemis. Her blessings have +10/15/20% chance to be Rare or better.
Overflowing CupDionysus; you share a Jubilant BondThe next Boon you find will be from Dionysus. His blessings have +10/15/20% chance to be Rare or better.
Lambent PlumeHermes; you share a Quicksilver BondGain +1.0/1.1/1.2% Dodge chance and move speed for each Encounter you clear quickly. 

(depending on the chambers, more foes, higher regions or bosses mean more times)
Frostbitten HornDemeter; you share a Nurturing BondThe next Boon you find will be from Demeter. Her blessings have +10/15/20% chance to be Rare or better.
Cosmic EggChaos; you share a Infinite BondEnter Chaos Gates without losing Health. Blessings from Chaos have +20/30/40% chance to be Rare or better.
Shattered ShackleSisyphus; you share a Rock-Solid BondYour Attack, Special, and Cast each deal +50/75/100% damage while not empowered by a Boon.
Evergreen AcornEurydice; you share an Inspiring BondIn the final encounter in each underworld region, take 0 damage the first 3/4/5 times foes hit you.
Broken SpearpointPatroclus; you share an Enlightened BondAfter taking damage, become impervious for 1/1.25/1.5 sec. Refreshes after 7 Sec.
Pom BlossomPersephone; you share a Growing BondAfter every 6/5/4 Encounters, gain +1 Lv. (a random Boon grows stronger).
Sigil of the DeadHades; you share an Intractable BondYour Call becomes Hades' Aid, which briefly makes you Invisible; your God Gauge starts 10/20/30% full.


Companion is another accessory that grand you additional unique skill depending on the companion itself.

The best campion in my opinion is Battie. Mort deals more damage but has a delay when casting and enemies can move away from the area.

UNLOCK: Keep giving Nectar and Ambrosia to respective characters until you fully bond with them, they'll give the Companions.

BattieMegaeraYour Summon deals 2500 damage in an area near your closest foe, then continually down the line.
MortThanatosYour Summon deals 3500 damage in an area in front of you, after a brief delay.
ShadySisyphus & BouldyYour Summon deals 1000 damage in an area, and
drops a smattering of Health, Darkness, and Gold.
RibSkellyYour Summon creates a distraction with 250 Health, provoking your foes to attack it until it dies.
FidiDusaYour Summon joins you for 30 Sec., repeatedly firing shots that petrify foes and deal 70 damage.
AntosAchilles & PatroclusYour Summon deals 1500 damage to 2 foes one after another.


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