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Fishing help you earn extra rewards for your attempts ranging from Darkness to Titan Blood when go you back to the Lounge and talk to the chef and he'll exchange various rewards for the fish.

How to Spot Fishing Spot

Throughout the game, you'll encounter several fishing spots during your attempts. There are two ways to know if the chamber has a fishing spot:

  1. After you clear the chamber meaning that you kill all foes, a "ding" sound will ring telling you that there is a fishing spot somewhere in the chamber.
  2. Walk around the chamber if there is a shining light in the water area.

Fish Type

Even though there are several fishes, but they are categorized into three: Common, Rare, and Legendary base on how you catch a fish, it's either "Too Late", "Catch" or "Perfect Catch".

How to Fish

Okay, this is the most important part of fishing. Once you find the fishing spot, stand near it and press interact button to start fishing. There are two phases.

First phase is to identify when to press button to fish. 

  • Watch closely, when the fish bites the hook, the bobber will submerge and a flash of light will appear vertically very quickly.
  • The bobber can fake bob up to three times. So if you waited up to 3 times, then the fourth will always be the real one.

Second phase is about timing. Remember, I mentioned above that when you fish, you will always fall into one of the three results based on your timing. The timing here refer to time frame when you press the button after the shining 

  1. Perfect Catch: less than 0.34 second and the fish caught will be Rare (50%) or Legendary (50%)
  2. Catch: between 0.34 and 0.68 seconds and the fish caught will be Common (50%) or Rare (50%)
  3. Too Late: after 0.68 meaning that you do not catch a fish.

Chance of Fishing Spot Spawn

There is a percentage where the fishing spot can spawn in a certain chamber, look at the table below:

RegionSpawn PercentageCan spawn after a number of chambers since last fishing spot
Temple of Styx10%10

There are a few ways you can improve your fishing spots:

  1. Huge Catch, it is a Legendary Boon from Poseidon that increases 20% chance. Additional, you can also increase your chance of getting this legendary Boon by choosing Nectar from Eurydice, Favor Boon from Chaos, Yarn of Ariadne from Well of Charon, or activate Gods' Legacy from Mirror of Night.
  2. Buy a Skeletal Lure from Well of Charon, this will ensure that your next chamber will spawn a fishing spot whenever possible.


HellfishCommonTartarus5 Gemstones
KnuckleheadRareTartarus20 Gemstones
ScyllascionLegendaryTartarus30 Gemstones
SlavugCommonAsphodel1 Chthonic Key
ChrustaceanRareAsphodel3 Chthonic Keys
FlameaterLegendaryAsphodel5 Chthonic Keys
ChlamCommonElysium1 Nectar
CharpRareElysium2 Nectars
SeamareLegendaryElysium3 Nectars
GuppCommonTemple of Styx20 Gemstones
ScufferRareTemple of Styx40 Gemstones
StonewhalLegendaryTemple of Styx150 Gemstones
MatiCommonChaos100 Darkness
ProjellyRareChaos250 Darkness
VoidskateLegendaryChaos500 Darkness
TroutCommonGreece1 Diamond
BassRareGreece1 Ambrosia
SturgeonLegendaryGreece1 Titan Blood


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