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Part 10: Enter The Demon World

Consult these maps for part 10:

Map 1. Keep
Map 1. Keep
Map 2. Demon World
Map 2. Demon World

Back to Samanosuke. You start with a boss fight, good luck. 

Boss: Hecuba
She is not very hard, but the most annoying part about this fight is her minions. Good news is Hecuba and those insects are weak against Shippuu and Matchlock (Burst Bullets will help a lot).

Walk 01. Boss: Hecuba
Walk 01. Boss: Hecuba
Walk 02. Hecuba's weakness, Matchlock + Burst Bullets
Walk 02. Hecuba's weakness, Matchlock + Burst Bullets

Watch another scene after you defeated her. 

Again, you are back to a safe room. Go to the main hall, then enter the Sentry Room. Replenish your magic if needed and save your game. 

Walk 03. Sentry Room
Walk 03. Sentry Room

Go back to the room where you used Evil Plate to open. With your Great Bow and Arrow in your possession, you're now able to destroy the seal blocking your path to the Demon World. Note that once you use the Great Bow, you won't be able to come out. Now select Great Bow from your menu and watch a cutscene. 

Walk 04. Using Great Bow & Arrow to destroy seal
Walk 04. Using Great Bow & Arrow to destroy seal

Boss: Marcellus
You already fought him once, this time he has 2 phases, the first is the same as the first encounter. The second phase is a little harder. But don't worry, I beat this guy with a normal sword without taking any damage.

Marcellus No Damage

Pick up a Medicine from a treasure box after you defeated the boss.

  • Item: Medicine
01. Medicine
01. Medicine

Proceed to the next room, there you can replenish your magic and use Magic Mirror to save the game. Don't forget to pick up a map right next to the Magic Mirror. While in this room, you should notice a narrow path blocked by 4 demon fingers? The most powerful weapon resides in there. Go to the menu and select Bishamon Ocarina to open it.

  • Equipment: Bishamon Sword
  • Map: Demon World Map
Walk 06. Using Bishamon Ocarina location
Walk 06. Using Bishamon Ocarina location
03. Bishamon Sword
03. Bishamon Sword
02.  Demon World Map
02. Demon World Map

Using Bishamon Sword is like cheating because you literally obliterate all monsters in one or two hits except bosses.

Now save your game and advance to the next section. Keep going downward in a spiral direction until you see an exit path. Pick up 2 Medicines at the end.

  • Item: Medicine (x2)
04. Medicine
04. Medicine
05. Medicine
05. Medicine

The next room is the final boss.

Final boss: Fortinbras
Here are all his attacks:

  • Punch and slap: can block, can dodge.
  • Fire breathing: cannot block, can easily dodge. Simply running left and right.
  • Lightning: cannot block, can easily dodge. Watch the lightning shadows to dodge them.
  • Laser: cannot block, can dodge. It is a little hard since the lasers are fast so make sure you watch the boss animation. When he turn his body 90 degree, he will shoot the lasers.
Walk 07. Boss: Fortinbras
Walk 07. Boss: Fortinbras

Watch another pretty cool cutscene.

The End!!!


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