Unlike the Complete Guide, this guide is intended for advanced players who have already completed the game several times, but want an easy quick path to complete the game with all important items (Life Cell, Energy Cell, Ability Cell, and Skills).

02 - Wall Jump Skill
Retrieving Wall Jump skill from Ancestral Tree Fil and Path to Spirit Tree part 1.

04 - Charge Flame Skill
Obtaining Charge Flame skill from Ancestral Tree Ano and Path to Ginso Tree part 1.

05 - Double Jump Skill
Path to Ginso Tree part 2 and path to obtaining Double Jump skill 1, path to obtaining Double Jump skill part 2, and obtaining Double Jump skill from Ancestral Tree Leru.

Path to Ginso Tree's Heart part 1 and part 2. Obtaining Bash Skill from Ancestral Tree Reem.

08 - Escape Ginso Tree
Path to Ginso Tree's Heart part 3. Restoring Ginso Tree's Light. And escaping Ginso Tree.

11 - Dash Skill and Naru's Memory #1
Seeing Naru's Memory #1 and obtaining Dash skill from Ancestral Tree Eki.

12 - Light Burst Skill and Naru's Memory #2
Seeing Naru's Memory #2 and obtaining Light Burst skill from Ancestral Tree Sol.

18 - Climb Skill and Gumon Seal
Misty Wood part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, obtaining Climb Skill from Ancestral Tree Tatsu, restoring Misty Wood Light, and obtaining Gumon Seal.

24 - Collecting Items #5

25 - Mount Horu Part 1
Path to Mount Horu, reaching the top of Mount Horu, andsSolving Mount Horu gate #1, #2, #3, and #4.

I hope you enjoy all these guides and all my hard work, thank you :)