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Shield of Chaos

This is arguably the best weapon for reaching high Heats. it provides long-range attack and the ability to block all front attacks, it doesn't matter it a projectile or melee, you are basically invincible from the front.

Shield of Chaos Aspects
Shield of Chaos Aspects

Aspect of Zagreus

Provide additional Attack & Dash-Strike Damage (press dash then attack).

LevelTitan Blood RequiredAttack & Dash-Strike Damage

Aspect of Chaos

After your Bull Rush (hold Attack and release), your next Special Throws multiple Shields.

LevelTitan Blood RequiredBonus Shields Thrown

Aspect of Zeus

Instead of throwing Shield, your Special becomes Blitz Disc. It slowly spins toward and deal continuous damage.

LevelTitan Blood RequiredBlitz Disc Base Damage per Hit

Aspect of Beowulf

You have Naegling's Board, but take 10% more damage. Your Bull Rush becomes Dragon Rush which deal bonus damage. Dragon Rush can be empowered by Bloodstones (the more Bloodstones reloaded, the more damage you deal in bigger area). There is a negative effect using Naegling's Board though, your Attack and Special are slow.

Unlock Condition: 

  • Reveal Aspect of Guan Yu (External Spear).
  • Use at least 5 Titan Bloods to upgrade any Aspects of the Shield.
  • Talk to Chaos until you get the following dialogue: "I bear a message for you, Son of Hades. One recorded in an age when certain concepts it describes did not yet all exists. Remember this: I see you stand your ground against the serpent's flame. A waking-phrase, to which you and the all-seeing artifact of my creation may respond.". 

Go back and interact with the shield to reveal the Aspect.

LevelTitan Blood RequiredDragon Rush Bonus Damage & Area (%)

Daedalus Hammer Upgrade

Dread FlightYour Special can strike up to 4 additional foes before returning.Incompatible with Aspect of Zeus
Sudden RushYour Bull Rush charges much faster. 
Pulverizing BlowYour Attack hits twice, but does not knock foes away. 
Dashing WallopYour Dash Attack deals +50% damage in a larger area. 
Explosive ReturnYour Special deals 50 damage to nearby foes when you catch it. 
Minotaur RushYour Bull Rush gains a Power Rush that does +500% damage. 
Breaching RushYour Bull Rush deals +400% damage to Armor. 
Charged ShotYour Bull Rush instead fires a piercing shot that deals 80 base damage. 
Charged FlightHold Special to charge your throw for up to +200% base damage.Cannot be combined with Dashing Flight

Incompatible with Aspect of Chaos and Aspect of Zeus.
Empowering FlightAfter your Special hits, your next 2 Attacks deal +80% damage. 
Dashing FlightWhile you Dash, your Special is faster and deals +200% damage.Cannot be combined with Charged Flight

Incompatible with Aspect of Zeus
Ferocious GuardAfter blocking a foe, gain +20% damage and move speed for 10 Sec. 
Unyielding DefenseAfter using your Naegling's Board Cast, you are Sturdy for 3 Sec.Only Aspect of Beowulf


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