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Work Orders

Work Orders should be your first priority to upgrade because these upgrades will help you get the most resources as soon as possible and unlock many more items for the game to progress as well as storyline.

I highly recommend you focus on upgrading enhancement first rather than the decorations.

Fountain Chamber, TartarusAdded Chamber: Restore some Health amidst the gloom.

(Adds the Fountain Chamber to Tartarus)
0 Gemstone 
Underworld Fountains, PurifiedUnderworld Renovation: Fountains provide +10% more Health than usual.20 Gemstones
  • Fountain Chamber, Tartarus
  • Fated List of Minor Prophecies
Underworld Fountains, HolyUnderworld Renovation: Fountains provide +20% more Health than usual.40 Gemstones
  • Fountain Chamber, Tartarus
  • Underworld Fountains, Purified
Fountain Chamber, AsphodelAdded Chamber: Restore some Health amid the searing heat.

(Adds the Fountain Chamber to Asphodel)
20 Gemstones
  • Enter Asphodel
  • Fountain Chamber, Tartarus
  • Keepsake Collection, Regional
Fountain Chamber, ElysiumAdded Chamber: Restore some Health amid the lush environs.

(Adds the Fountain Chamber to Elysium)
40 Gemstones
  • Enter Elysium
  • Fountain Chamber, Tartarus
  • Keepsake Collection, Regional
Plunder, LesserUnderworld Renovation: Chambers may contain an Infernal Trove.

Trove rewards: 
- 100 Gold
- 100 Health
- 50 Darkness
- 25 Gemstone
10 Gemstones 
Plunder, GreaterUnderworld Renovation: Each Infernal Trove contains more. 

Trove rewards: 
- 125 Gold
- 125 Health
- 100 Darkness
- 50 Gemstone
150 Gemstones
  • Plunder, Lesser
  • Keepsake Collection, Regional
  • Fountain Chamber, Tartarus
  • Fountain Chamber, Asphodel
  • Fountain Chamber, Elysium
Plunder, SuperiorUnderworld Renovation: Each Infernal Trove contains even more. 

Trove rewards: 
- 125 Gold
- 125 Health
- 100 Darkness
- 50 Gemstone
500 Gemstones
  • Plunder, Lesser
  • Keepsake Collection, Regional
  • Fountain Chamber, Tartarus
  • Fountain Chamber, Asphodel
  • Fountain Chamber, Elysium
  • Contractor's Desk, Deluxe
Urns of Wealth, LesserUnderworld Renovation: Chambers may contain urns with 5 Gold.40 Gemstones
  • Fountain Chamber, Tartarus
Urns of Wealth, GreaterUnderworld Renovation: Chambers may contain urns with 10 Gold.80 Gemstones
  • Urns of Wealth, Lesser
Urns of Wealth, SuperiorUnderworld Renovation: Chambers may contain urns with 15 Gold.120 Gemstones
  • Urns of Wealth, Greater
Keepsake Collection, RegionalUnderworld Renovation: Switch Keepsakes between Underworld regions.10 Gemstones
  • Defeat First Boss

    Fountain Chamber, Tartarus
Fated List of Minor PropheciesSpecial Item: The Fates reward whomever moves things along... 

Unlock Fated List of Minor Prophecies
20 Gemstones
  • Fountain Chamber, Tartarus
Codex IndexSpecial Item: Update the Codex with a handy list of Boons for each Olympian. 

Unlock Codex Index
50 Gemstones
  • Fated List of Minor Prophecies
Extremer MeasuresPact Stipulation: Unlocks the final rank of Extreme Measures ... if you dare.100 Gemstones
  • After you finish your first escape
Contractor's Desk, DeluxeSpecial Item: Give the House Contractor a break (and new jobs...)2 Diamonds
  • Fountain Chamber, Elysium
  • Keepsake Collection, Regional
  • Fated List of Minor Prophecies
  • Plunder, Lesser
  • Urns of Wealth, Lesser
  • Court Musician's Sentence
Pitch-Black DarknessUnderworld Renovation: Claiming Darkness chamber rewards gives you +5 Health.3 Diamonds
  • Contractor's Desk, Deluxe
Fated KeysUnderworld Renovation: Claiming Chthonic Key chamber rewards gives you +1 Fated Authority / Fated Persuasion.3 Diamonds
  • Contractor's Desk, Deluxe
Brilliant GemstonesUnderworld Renovation: Claiming Gemstone chamber rewards gives you +20 Golds.3 Diamonds
  • Contractor's Desk, Deluxe
Vintage NectarUnderworld Renovation: Claiming Nectar chamber rewards a random Boon +1 Lv.3 Diamonds
  • Contractor's Desk, Deluxe
Darker ThirstUnderworld Renovation: Your weapons' Dark Thirst also gives +20% Gemstone2 Diamonds
  • Contractor's Desk, Deluxe
Vanquisher's KeepUnderworld Renovation: Awards bonus Gemstones after vanquishing Underworld Bosses.

Tartarus - Furies: 10 Gemstones
Asphodel - Lernie: 20 Gemstones
Elysium - Theseus, Asterius: 30
The Temple of Styx - Hades:
50 Gemstones
4 Diamonds
  • Contractor's Desk, Deluxe
Gateways, ErebusUnderworld Renovation: Chambers may contain an Infernal Gate.5 Diamonds
  • Defeat the Final Boss
  • Contractor's Desk, Deluxe
Rod of FishingSpecial Item: Scoop creatures from the Underworld's rivers...

Unlock the ability to fish (fish can be used to exchange for items from the chef in the Lounge)
1 Diamond
  • Gain access to Lounge
  • Reach Temple of Styx
  • Fountain Chamber, Tartarus
  • Fated List of Minor Prophecies
Court Music StandHouse Decor: Authorizes playback of music pieces from the vault.1 Diamond
  • Meet Orpheus
  • Pool, Scrying
Administrative PrivilegeSpecial Item: (Re)authorizes entry into the administrative chamber.

Requires to progress the storyline.
2 Diamonds
  • Complete 27 escape attempts
  • Play through Administrative Chamber Flashback
Court Musician's SentenceSealed Document: Free Orpheus from solitary confinement.1 Diamond
  • Reach Asphodel
  • Fountain Chamber, Tartarus
  • Fated List of Minor Prophecies
Knave-King's SentenceSealed Document: Free Sisyphus of an eternity of hard labor.4 Diamonds
  • Sisyphus Favor Progression
  • Administrative Privilege
Singer's GambleSealed Document: Permit Orpheus to be with his muse again.3 Diamonds
  • Orpheus Favor Progression
  • Administrative Privilege
Hero's SacrificeSealed Document: Allow Achilles to return to Elysium.5 Diamonds
  • Achilles Favor Progression
  • Administrative Privilege
Eldest Sigil RestorationHouse Repair: Help Nyx by imbuing the Sigil in the Administrative Chamber.3,142 Darkness
  • Nyx Favor Progression
  • Administrative Privilege

Below is the list of decorative items that will be available after you upgraded the above items. As you can see that these items require so much money to upgrade, you should not upgrade them until you fully unlock everything else such weapons.

Theme, InfernalDecorative Theme: Evokes infernal might and unbearable heat.10 Diamonds
Theme, SonorousDecorative Theme: Evokes soaring harmonies and inspiration.10 Ambrosias
Theme, StygianDecorative Theme: Evokes the grim stoicism of the Underworld.10 Titan Bloods
Theme, LovelyDecorative Theme: Evokes certain descriptions of joy and levity.15 Ambrosias
Theme, WoodlandDecorative Theme: Evokes greenery found only on the surface.100 Nectars
Theme, ChthonicDecorative Theme: Evokes night, darkness and the Underworld.200 Chthonic Keys
Theme, DeathlyDecorative Theme: Evokes the sheer opulence of Hades' domain.5000 Gemstones
Theme, InfiniteDecorative Theme: Evokes the abyssal profundity of Chaos.25000 Darkness


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