There are currently 7 chapters as of version 1.30. Here is what you need to know when doing quests:
- Each mission has 3 specific challenges, you should complete them all to earn extra reward.
- Always use Simple Search when you log in, you get 20 searches per day. I recommend using the search for souls rather than other stuffs like parchment or Trail Quills.
- Always take advantage of the bonus element on each stage. Later stages, you may heavily rely on this as your secondary source of damage.

You can use dispatch to get free gems and parchments daily, I recommend you use it to get parchments rather than gems.

Trails are basically freebies, you 3 Enhance, 3 Training, and 3 Treasure daily so make sure that you always use them. You can also skip trails using Trail Quills, however, I recommend you keep the Trails Quills for golds (Treasure) since it is the most use resources in the game.

There are 3 ways to summon equipment:
- Precious Gems: You can earn Precious Gems from Accumulative and Weekly missions.
- Summon: Use gems to summon, you can see Unlimited Summon glitch on how to summon repeatedly without costing gems if it is not 5-stars equipment.
- Parchment Fusion: I would not recommend you using this feature to summon unless the parchments are no longer needed.

There are 3 orders in the Order menu:
- Order: you can complete once per week to earn extra gems and Elgo coins.
- Hallowing Order: complete it to earn Hallowing coins. You can earn approximately 120,000 per run assuming you can finish all 40 floors. Each run is about 2 hours.
- Winter Order: complete it to earn Winter coins. You can earn approximately 75,000 per run assuming you can finish all 30 floors. Each run is about 2 hours.
- Develop Abilities: You can learn skills or enhance existing ones by upgrading them. I highly recommend you learn dash skills first because they are important to access some areas while during quests. Generally, you don’t really need others beside these dash skills because most of them are useless anyway.
- Alucard: Wing Smash
- Simon: Whip Swing
- Charlotte: Flight
- Maria: Suzaku Jump
- Shanoa: Magnes
- Equipment: Always upgrade 5-stars equipment first and keep all your golds for the 5-stars Enchant and Limit Break. More detail about Equipment, see Equipment section below.

- Event Market: exchange Hallowing and Winter coins.
- Trade Shop: exchange golds and Elgos coins.
- Astral Atrament: You earn astral atrament, you have break down your parchment. I only recommend breaking 4-stars parchments and below unless you have unused 5-stars (but I don’t think so).

Roster is where you view and update your characters. You can preset your characters up to 6 slots. So be sure to take advantage of it.

View percentages of completion of Weapons, Sub Weapons, Armor, Enemy Compendium, and Memories.